Miami Hot: #1 (Miami Heat Series)

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Book: Miami Hot: #1 (Miami Heat Series) by Joyce Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joyce Jordan
time you got laid Sam?” Moira asked and Serenity laughed.
    “None of your business.”
    “Well I think if you got laid more often you would be more reasonable,” she went on.
    “I’m not discussing my sex life with you Moira.”
    “Or lack thereof,” she murmured.
    “What about me?” Serenity piped in and Moira snickered.
    “Neither of you,” he growled. “Can you two shut up so I can finish what I am doing here?”
    “A drink would surely shut us up,” Serenity replied.
    Sam banged the table three times before he said, “I’m serious.”
    They looked at each other and giggled then went quiet. Sam was getting in the groove and just needed a few minutes to conclude what he was looking at when they started chattering again about needing a drink.
    He sighed in exasperation before he stood up. “You know what, I think I better take you home now.”
    “Okay. I need the bathroom first,” Moira said.
    “Me too,” Serenity said as she s tood up too.
    Sam took them to the bathroom and left them to their business. On his way back he asked one of the bouncers on the top floor to watch out for them. Moira saw a basket of condoms as she was washing her hands. She showed Serenity and found some that glowed in the dark. Giggling they took a few and stashed them in their small purses.
    “Wait,” Moira said. “There is a missed call from Jeff.” Moira tried to listen to the voicemail but couldn’t see which keys to press, so she gave up. Serenity laughed and told her they were so drunk Sam was going to read them the riot act when they sobered up. They giggled but couldn’t care less. They were on a high.
    They left the bathroom and found the club almost empty. A few people were finishing their last beers. When th ey made it back to the offices they decided to explore a little.
    “These two are locked. Let’s see if the last one is locked too,” Serenity grumbled. She opened the door and they found two men inside. “Bingo! Moira I found two cuties here.”
    “Ladies, how are you?” Lucas asked them with a smile.
    Moira teetered inside almost bumping into Serenity. “Fuck Serenity, I told you these shoes were too high.”
    “Forget about the shoes, look at these two specimen I found for you.”
    “You did?”
    “Yep. They both look good enough to eat too. You can have a menage,” she said then laughed hilariously.
    At that moment, Sam rushed in. “Sorry Lucas. These two belong to me, and I’ll just move them out of your way.” He placed his hands around their waists and tried to moved them towards the door.
    “ Wait, that one looks familiar,” she said pointing at Conrad. She extricated herself out of Sam’s hold and moved closer but he was hazy and she couldn’t tell. “Can’t tell, he is moving around.”
    “That’ s the room spinning silly,” Serenity replied.
    What happened next none of them girls could tell. They both started falling and Sam tried to grab them both but with them going in different directions he couldn’t hold onto them both. Conrad and Lucas who fortunately were standing and had been watching the show quickly rushed over, with Conrad grabbing hold of Moira while Lucas helped get hold of Serenity.
    “Fuck, how much di d they drink?” Sam asked himself.
    “They were doing lots of shots and I am guessing they had some to drink before you came here?” Lucas asked him.
    “Yes, but they never drink that much. Honestly I have never seen them drunk, maybe a little tipsy. Knowing my sister, she was probably trying to get back at me about this morning.”
    “What happened?” Lucas asked.
    Sam shook his head. “You don’t wanna know. But thanks for catching them before they fell. I would hate to end up in ER with two drunk girls. Tomorrow is going to be hard as it is.”
    Lucas laughed, before he agreed with Sam.
    “Let me get Tony to help me with them,” Sam said as he took his phone out to make a call.
    “No worries, we can help you,” Conrad said. They had placed

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