Miami Hot: #1 (Miami Heat Series)

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Book: Miami Hot: #1 (Miami Heat Series) by Joyce Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joyce Jordan
both girls on the sofas and Conrad was standing at Moira’s head watching her sleep. He would have preferred to still be holding her, but didn’t want to raise any red flags with the brother as yet.
    “Better yet, why don’t you put them up in the hotel. My treat. You can come and collect them tomorrow, or they can catch a cab home,” Lucas suggested.
    “Lucas, that’s not necessary. I can take them home with me.”
    “No, no. I insist.”
    Sam sighed, “Okay. Thank you.”
    “Okay then, why don’t you go and get a key from the front desk and we will follow you in a few minutes with the girls?”
    Sam would have preferred to stay behind, but he decided he could trust his boss. He quickly locked the office he had been using then went to the front desk and got a key. When he got there it was ready because Lucas had already called ahead. He met Lucas who was carrying Serenity and Conrad who was carrying Moira. He knew of Conrad and knew of his friendship with Lucas, but so far he hadn’t met the man. From Uncle Stu, he was apparently a good employer. His womanizing was another matter, and he wasn’t comfortable with him holding onto his sister. Fortunately she was drunk and hopefully they wouldn’t ever get to meet after tonight.
    “You didn’t have to give them a suite, but thank you Lucas.”
    “No offense, but I don’t think we have had so much fun at the club.”
    “I heard some of what they said. Sorry about that. And it seems they got personal with Tony too,” Sam shook his head and laughed.
    “We did see them fighting with Tony at the elevator. What did they say to him?”
    “It’s embarrassing, but in short they propositioned him too.”
    Serenity woke up as the elevator dinged their arrival. “Cute guy. You taking me to bed?”
    “No ma’am,” Lucas replied.
    “Good, good because I already have a boyfriend,” she replied with a slur. “Moira is single though. Where is Moira?” When Lucas didn’t reply fast enough Serenity started screaming, “Moira! Moira!”
    Sam opened the door and they quickly entered the suite. Then she saw Sam and was telling him Moira was missing.
    Sam placed his hand over her mouth. “ Moira is right here.” When she mumbled something resembling an okay, Sam went on, “Now promise not to scream.” Serenity nodded her head and Sam released her mouth.
    “Where are we?” she asked Sam.
    “My boss has offered you two a place to sleep for the night. I will come and get you tomorrow morning and the three of us will need to sit down and talk.”
    “Party pooper,” Moira slurred as she woke up. “Maybe we will just stay here for the next week.”
    All three men laughed.
    “Yeah well, I’m sorry I have to be the adult here. Time for bed. Do you want separate rooms or same bed?” he asked them.
    “Separate,” Serenity said. “ Moira has a menage tonight.”
    “A what?”
    “A menage. You know…”
    Sam interrupted her, “I know what a menage is. But how are you even going to call the guys when you are drunk out of your heads?”
    “They are already here silly,” Serenity giggled.
    “And we already have the condoms. Safe sex.” Moira added. She placed her hand in her bra and pulled two condoms. “These ones glow in the dark. It says so on the package.”
    “You realiz e you are referring to my boss and his friend? You must have had more than anyone tonight.” Sam turned turned to his boss and apoligized again, then went to take Serenity out of his hands, but he shook his head and told him he would lay her down, which he did in one of the bedrooms. He motioned for Conrad to follow and they placed the girls on the same bed.
    Sam removed their shoes before he covered them up. “You two are grounded for the rest of the year.”
    “Okay. What if we share our condom stash with you?” Moira said.
    “Night girls,” Sam called out as he switched the lights off then closed the door.
    Lucas couldn’t help laughing. “Are they always like this?” he

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