Controlled Surrender
Laina’s timid wolf to stake her claim on me. It was the first step
in empowering her animal. A werewolf is two persons with one shared
spirit, a single soul. We’re the combination of nature’s majesty
with God’s divinity. Because God gave divinity over animals to man,
our wolves are typically slightly weaker.
    Knowing where Laina
started, I could only imagine her wolf’s state. Regardless, I
wasn’t abandoning either of them. I saw their potential. I loved
them for who they were and all they could be, regardless of whether or not
they evolved.
    Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as
Laina’s teeth grew and her eyes glowed the familiar honey.
Hesitantly she stretched towards me. I held still, careful not to
spook her.
    My wolf roused, rumbling with excitement at
his mate’s presence.
    Laina ran her teeth along my shoulder before
she stopped at the junction of my neck and shoulder.
    “Bite me,” I repeated the order, reassuring
    A wave of pleasure rather than pain surged
through me as her teeth pierced me, marking me down through the
cartilage, ensuring it would be a permanent scar for all to see
that I was hers.
    I moved quickly before her wolf retreated. I
framed her face with my hands, gazing directly at her. “Good girl.”
I smiled wide, releasing her.
    She leaned in and licked my cheek before she
pulled back, disappearing again.
    As Laina fully emerged again, her eyes
sparkled with a light I’d yet to see. She openly stared at me. She
cupped my face. She kissed my lips, softly, reverently. “Thank
    I rolled onto my side and hugged her to me.
“We’re in this together.”
    God, I’d never meant something so much, felt
anything so deeply. I couldn’t walk away even if I wanted to. She
was such an amazing woman, an amazing were. She wasn’t perfect, but
she was perfect for me.
    We brought out the best in each other. The
same way that she worshipped the harsh cuts and angles of my body,
I adored the luscious swells and curves of hers. The same way that
I tried her patience, she tested my control. The same way that I
pushed her to face the truth, she forced me to face my own.
    The mind could be tricked, the heart could be
fooled, but ones soul never fell victim to any pawns or schemes. It
was why our bonds were so overpowering. Two lives, two connections
lied within that soul to mate with. It was twice as potent, twice
as powerful an experience.
    What I experienced was a feeling embedded
deep within me, a magnetism I couldn’t repel. It went beyond lust,
beyond want, to an intimate spiritual craving. And it was the
twining of our souls in combination with the physical marking by
both persons that solidified our union, our lifelong bond with
Laina. It was a bond that would extend beyond our human life. It
was an eternal promise, a forever commitment, one that I would
cherish all my years.
    She was worth cherishing forever, and,
thankfully, she was beginning to realize what I already knew.
    Tomorrow, I would deal with the pack.
Tomorrow, I would assert my alpha authority and demand respect for
my mate. Tomorrow, I would fight for her.
    But today, I would simply be with her. Today,
I would cherish what I had with her before the world intruded.
    She snuggled into me, pressing a kiss to my
chest; it was a kiss I felt straight to my soul.
    I hugged her tighter. “I love you.”
    “Where did my demanding alpha go?” she
    “To buy some new chains without any give,” I
    “I love you too.”
    I chuckled, feeling happy and fulfilled.
    Dear Reader,
    I hope you enjoyed Jayson and Laina’s
    For more information on the Alpha Doms
series, and my other titles, please visit:
    Thank you for picking up this book.

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