The Perils of Judge Julia

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Book: The Perils of Judge Julia by DrkFetyshNyghts Read Free Book Online
Authors: DrkFetyshNyghts
place as one big antibiotic... the longer one is in the place being humiliated and debased, the less the effect measures on the scale. The secret is to bring the victim to a level and keep them there. Not easy to attain and even less easy to maintain. One of the secrets is to place the person into a kind of shock and don't take them out of it. Simply use it for other ends. Use it to bring that person to below gutter level. In a manner of speaking Mandy had been subjected to that very process. With her though it started a little a way up the scale. She was already desensitised to a great degree by her prostitution work. With her SECFAC had known that with her age, and other factors, she would have not been aware of the darker sides of sex like bdsm, fetish and deeper addictive things. Getting her to that state of resigned shock, and system close down, in that chamber at SECFAC was relatively easy. Getting her through the Justice system all pre-meditated and planned to subdue her, and then the sentencing. All seemingly above board, but the deeper more secretive gears at work out of sight making sure the case followed a specific path then Judge Julia, completely innocently going about her work, passing sentence according to government guidelines. Those guidelines serving the deep darker forces at work
    Here and now Judge Julia was experiencing her first taste of bondage proper and with that first taste the humiliation was being heaped on. It would be heaped on until that shock status was achieved. The chair was a heavy wooden affair bolted to a bare concrete floor. This chair was not a normal domestic chair adapted. Rather it was a heavy wooden affair that had been designed and manufactured for purpose. One might suspect that not a lot of work would be required to adapt this particular chair into an executioners electric chair. A heavy duty serious voltage electric chair at that. The bolts to the floor kept it rigid and even more immobile than those secured to it for whatever purpose. A wide leather belt around Julia's waist held her into it. The leather rigid and holding her middle right against the chair's straight back. Her arms had been pulled up high and stretched back so that her shoulder blades almost touched. Straps had been secured around her legs, above the knees and at the ankles. To these straps, strong cord had been fixed and then in turn fixed to pulley posts at either side of the chair. She hadn't ever opened her legs so wide, willingly - they had been pulled and secured wide apart very effectively by the pulley devices. She still wore what was left of the dress, although it did nothing to cover her modesty. Her pantihose were laddered and torn in several places. A result of the journey in the back of that vehicle and the molesting that she had been subjected to. Her stilettos were still on her feet and at first the sack hood was still over her head. As she had been bondaged by Mandy's two partners, she had whimpered in both fright and at the discomfort being piled on her. It would be difficult not to feel sorry for the Judge under these circumstances. Even before the sack had been removed, it was easy to see the trembling that the older women was powerless to stop or prevent. There would have been a time when she would have considered trembling a weakness. Like all of those times when she was presiding over Crown Court cases. Even in her turmoil right now she could remember being more than slightly amused at how criminals from all walks of life had trembled in front of her. When those criminals recounted the slight smirk over Judge Julia's face and the cold callousness of her, it wasn't a natural thing that came from her, rather she enjoyed making that smirk casual. A professional casual smile. I mean, after all she would never have been able to laugh outright at the petrified convicts in front of her. Just let them subtly know that their predicament amused her. Kind of a justice all of its own. Now though, in

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