The Perils of Judge Julia

Free The Perils of Judge Julia by DrkFetyshNyghts

Book: The Perils of Judge Julia by DrkFetyshNyghts Read Free Book Online
Authors: DrkFetyshNyghts
know-how and expertise, not to mention the expense. Thick walls, ceiling and floor lined with a soundproofing layer then an intricate and sophisticated eco-system and atmosphere fitted and commissioned. A complete self sufficient atmosphere inside which one could exist, live even, if that was what floated your boat. The desired result was a room or complex of rooms, that would, whenever a 'victim' or in most cases a paying client was taken down into it, would be left in no doubt that their contact and ability to contact the outside world once the processes were put into operation was a definite no-no. Neither would any contact filter in from the outside. A complete and desolate isolation. There would be no contact with the outside world, full stop. The way the heavy, lined doors sucked shut and clicked and whirred locked gave the impression of a secure and remote unit and that is indeed what it was. People only went down there if they had access, and those that were 'taken' down there did not simply leave they were 'released'. That place may have just as well been on another planet it was so desolate.
    The people that owned and ran this particular 'suite' were not simple spank them and send them home hookers who barked on about themselves not being hookers at all because they didn't offer sexual services. Rather these people, the people that designed and owned it, the people that used and operated it were 'specialists' in their field. Mostly from the Continent but also America, China, Japan and Russia. It would come as no surprise eventually to find that the organisation behind such a building in the heart of London's exclusive Chelsea area was indeed SECFAC. Just one of the snaking tendrils that were ever reaching out. Ever seeking and searching. These were not people that just hunted for quick sexual kicks. These were deadly serious people with the ways and means to make any fantasy, or nightmare depending on how one looked at it, come true. This was a facility that Mandy had been offered and pointed in the direction of when she had left the Centre. It was a kind of a nod that she was indeed one of them. That she had passed the test with flying colours and that she was being brought into the fold. This entrustment was a kind of a show of faith, of the trust that had been placed in Mandy. It was a nod to her and that nod came with all manner of other little sub-perks. Mandy's 'projects' of which Judge Julia was the current, would receive financial backing and support. The people who were involved with SECFAC had wealth and means beyond the normal. Money was no object and was in fact a bottomless pit. That and the long list of influential people behind it was a formidable thing to come across. If one were to delve into the hierarchy of SECFAC one might be surprised... no shocked at the list of people, male and female involved. One might suspect that if one were in possession of ALL of the facts surrounding the place then the sense of despair and hopelessness for anyone being brought there in any other way than willingly might actually be catastrophic.
    Julia's position was only made slightly more comfortable by the fact that she was in a sitting position. The slight comfort paled into insignificance when compared to the three, or even four fold indignity and humiliation she was suffering. Women of Judge Julia's standing and stature did NOT get humiliated, or debased, or degraded under normal circumstances. And so when the time came that very experience was bestowed on them, it was a harder hit. An almost catastrophic hit that in itself was debilitating. It remans a fact that one cannot really humiliate someone who WANTS to be humiliated. And, the truth is that the more one is humiliated the less the effect becomes. Its a bit like a patient becoming immune to antibiotics. For a while any particular humiliation bug might bite deep. But the longer it goes on the less deep it bites and then the bug gets immune to it. Think of this

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