Billionaire's Love Suite

Free Billionaire's Love Suite by Catherine Lanigan

Book: Billionaire's Love Suite by Catherine Lanigan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Catherine Lanigan
with a hard gaze. “That’s not
me they’re talking about. It’s jealousy and pettiness. All gossip is. It’s meant
to be hurtful.”
    Shana felt shame rip through her. Justin was right, of course. She had
never participated in gossip or flaming a rumor mill in her life. She had to
admit that the only reason she’d given any credence to what she’d heard
about Justin was because she was attracted to him. She hadn’t been able to
get him out of her head day or night. If she hadn’t been so obsessed with
him, she never would have mentioned the rumors.
    “I’m sorry, Justin. I shouldn’t have said anything. I feel terrible.”
    “Don’t. I’m glad you told me. Forewarned is forearmed.”
    Shana tried to match his smile, but failed as remorse weighted her down.
“It’s my job to put a stop to these things. I’ll speak to the staff.”
    He shook his head. “Only if it comes up. Otherwise, they won’t take you
seriously. The problem is that my own father helped to perpetuate my supposedly
‘errant image’ in the eyes of nearly everyone he met. Some of the
older staff believes they have the truth.”
    “Why on earth would he do that?” Shana asked.
    “He wanted me to be married, which to him meant that I was stable. So,
he always considered me a failure.”
    “But you were incredibly successful on Wall Street! What kind of parent
wouldn’t be proud of that?”
    Justin chuckled, picked up her hand and drew it to his mouth. Pressing
his lips to her flesh, Shana felt shivers spiral through her body. Her breath
hitched in her lungs and for an instant she was spellbound.
    “You’re my hero,” Justin said with a mirthful smile.
    Shana watched as his eyes riveted her with an unflinching gaze. Slowly,
he lowered his lips to her hand and kissed her again. This time the pressure
of his lips was soft but filled with intent. This time she read a great deal
between the lines and what she filled those lines with was exhilarating and
sensual. Shana didn’t know if Justin was feeling the same arousal that she
did. If she were to believe the rumors and not Justin, seduction was second
nature to him. She wanted to think that what he’d told her was the truth. If
she did, she would be forced to take a chance on an unknown. She would
have to trust him.


    S hana sat in a beige leather upholstered seat next to the window in the
Lux Hotel’s private jet that was headed to Toronto. Justin sat facing her
though he was absorbed in the report she’d given him just as they’d boarded
the plane. As New York city fell away from them and the distance between
earth and the jet was filled with clouds, Shana retrieved a yellow legal pad
from her briefcase, ready to make notes.
    Justin stopped in the middle of reading and swept her face with total
astonishment. “You want to eliminate the main floor bar? Are you crazy?
The income from the bar…”
    She held up her palms. “You didn’t read far enough. I want to build a
speakeasy in the basement.”
    Justin’s eyebrows arched and his eyes opened as he paused for the
thought to register. After a long moment he said, “Okay. You are nuts.” He
folded his arms over his chest. “Continue.”
    “Transforming the street level bar into a business conference room which
we can rent out to executives who want total privacy at an affordable price
will bring in even more income than the sports bar. By the way, the income
from the bar has been slipping over the past three years. It’s my judgment
that within a three block radius there is too much competition for the same
kind of customer. Therefore, we need to be innovative. The hottest destination
bar and club in the city now is underground. There’s too much fun to be
had by creating a 1920’s speakeasy atmosphere in our storage areas in the
basement. I have mapped out how we can utilize this area on page ten of my
report. We have street side access through the door that

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