
Free Monarchy by Nicola Erasmus

Book: Monarchy by Nicola Erasmus Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicola Erasmus
looked at Gwen and merely gave an impressed nod. “The cars are waiting. You, the Queen and Dame Margaret will be sharing while I’ll be riding with the princesses” he informed the King.
    “Very well. Is Elsie done yet?” the King asked.
    “Yes, I am” Elsie looked gorgeous herself in a lacey knee length dress with a small hat perched on her head.
    “Doesn’t she look pretty?” The Queen awed.
    “She does. Your Highness” Sir Windsbury agreed and bowed to Elsie.
    They proceeded to the cars in front of the palace. Gwen, Elsie and Sir Windsbury took the first car. They drove along the same route they had just over a week ago to Seventh Manor. Rows of chairs had replaced the tables of the party. Black clad guests stood around waiting for the service to begin. They had to wait a few minutes for the King and Queen to arrive before they could get out.
    “Forgive my bluntness, but I need to know?” Sir Windsbury suddenly said to Gwen.
    “About what?” Elsie asked.
    “I said no” Gwen answered looking out the window.
    Sir Windsbury breathed a sigh of relief. “You know of course what the old hag’s plan is? She won’t stop trying. I saw the magazine.”
    “You don’t strike me as somebody that reads the tabloids” Gwen laughed.
    “I saw it on the King’s desk. I didn’t even bother to read. I knew immediately it was nonsense.”
    “At least there’s one person that believed in me from the start” Gwen said and Elsie felt that familiar jab of guilt in her ribs.
    “Is there something I need to know?” Elsie asked.
    “The less you know at this time, Elsie, the better. I will tell you everything in due course.”
    Sir Windsbury laughed. “I see. You have a few plans of your own, don’t you?”
    Gwen winked at him.
    Sir Windsbury excused himself when their parents arrived to have a word with the Countess’ servants.
    He then returned to first open the doors for the King and Queen and then for the princesses.
    A row of chairs was reserved for them in the front and as soon as they were seated, the Countess and her two daughters entered, holding each other, crying.   The minister started the ceremony with a text from the Bible and then read from his notes a short biography of the Earl. His wife and daughters gave the occasional wail and the sounds of sniffs drifted through the other mourners. When it all was done, they got up out of respect and watched the family walk towards the house.
    “That’s us one of these days” Gwen said barely audible and the King gave small nod, tenderly taking the Queen’s hand in his.

    Inside Seventh Manor only a few people remained to comfort the Countess. The royal family was among them.
    “My Lady?” Gwen knelt in front of the grieving widow and placed her hands sympathetically on her knees.
    “Princess Guinevere” the Countess tried very hard to smile. “Where’s the hat?” she joked.
    “Where it belongs. Hidden in the deepest corner of my wardrobe” Gwen said. “Please know that my deepest sympathies are with you in this time and if there’s anything, anything at all, do not hesitate to call on me?”
    “Thank you” the Lady mouthed.
    “And the same goes for you Muriel and Francesca. We should have lunch some time. I’ll have my assistant, Grace, contact you for arrangements.”
    Gwen got up and joined the rest of her family.
    “Shall we go? Your mother is tired” the King asked.
    “Alright with me” Gwen said and they left the house.
    “Could I borrow some of your time once we’re back at the palace, Father?” Gwen asked as he got into the car.
    “I’m just going to attend to the Queen then I’ll meet you in my office.”
    Dame Margaret directed Sir Windsbury to the Kings car and invited herself to the princesses’ company.
    “Kneeling in front of a lesser royal?” she reprimanded Gwen as they drove

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