His Scottish Pet: Dom of the Ages

Free His Scottish Pet: Dom of the Ages by Red Phoenix

Book: His Scottish Pet: Dom of the Ages by Red Phoenix Read Free Book Online
Authors: Red Phoenix
been an option and he was running low as it was. “Return in two weeks exactly at noon.”
    He noted her hesitation, her reluctance to leave him with the girl. When Kegan turned to go she had the impudence to glare at his pet.
    “Slave, how you treat my pet reflects directly on me,” he rebuked. “Apologize to her now for that look of disrespect.” He then added for emphasis, “You may address her as Master’s pet.”
    Ryce watched her inner struggle play out on Kegan’s face, but she eventually turned to the girl and said in a forced voice, “I am sorry for my disrespect, Master’s pet.”
    He opened the door. “You may leave now.”
    As she exited, Ryce wondered if Kegan would prove more trouble than she was worth. “Tell no one of the girl.”
    She looked at him strangely, but answered, “Yes, Master Leon.”
    He shook his head as he watched her leave. Ryce had assumed being older and possessing such an independent spirit, her jealousy would not control her.
    He closed the door and turned towards his pet. He asked her to stand and look at him. “You did well. I am proud of the way you conducted yourself during the unexpected intrusion.”
    “Thank you, Master.”
    The rush of being discovered had Ryce aroused and Chrisselle’s obedience had only served to fuel the fire. “I wish to teach you a new trick today, pet.”
    Her eyes sparkled luminously at the suggestion, but she bowed her head before she spoke. “I would be honored, Master.” He found it curious, as he had not instructed her to bow.
    “My cock has been neglected as of late, but that shall be remedied this moment. Take off your clothes and come to the bed.”
    He pretended stiffness as he lay down, grunting in pain for her benefit. She rewarded him with a worried glance while she slipped off her underclothes. As she walked towards him, he was able to appreciate her blossoming body.
    The girl was still lean, but her breasts and hips were beginning to fill out. She had the look of a woman now, curves hinted at and a light red mound that beckoned to him. He held out his hand and guided her onto the bed. “I will teach you a new way to please me.” He ran his index finger over her pink lips. “It involves this.” He inserted his thumb into her mouth and held her cheek possessively. “Your mouth is mine.”
    She leaned her head into his hand, obviously aroused by his dominance over her. He was tempted to slip his other hand between her legs to note her level of excitement, but refrained. It would be a gratuitous gesture as he already knew the answer. He removed his thumb and kissed her more aggressively than he had before. She did not resist, returning the exchange with ardor.
    The girl was an eager and willing pupil. It amazed Ryce the level of trust she bestowed on him given her past and he wondered if she would be ready to take him sooner than he first planned. Just the thought of that increased the blood flow to his shaft and he groaned.
    She mewed in response to his vocal pleasure and his heart quickened. The girl was intoxicating. Still kissing her, Ryce took her hand and guided it under his kilt. He placed his hand over hers and wrapped it around his cock with the amount of pressure he preferred. Together their hands moved up and down his shaft. He showed her the angle and speed that pleased him and then he let go.
    She stopped, but he growled huskily, “Continue.” She wrapped her small hand around his cock and mimicked his stroke. “Tighter,” he ordered.
    When she tightened her grip, he groaned in satisfaction. “Keep it up, pet. It pleases your Master well.” He lay back and let the sensation carry him to a higher level of arousal. There was a certain satisfaction in getting himself to the point where his balls ached in need.
    He felt her hand slow down and chuckled inside, knowing she was growing tired. “Faster,” he told her. Tiredness should never affect his pet’s performance. It was an important rule to establish. She

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