Monroe, Melody Snow - Truth and Seduction [The Callens 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Free Monroe, Melody Snow - Truth and Seduction [The Callens 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Melody Snow Monroe

Book: Monroe, Melody Snow - Truth and Seduction [The Callens 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Melody Snow Monroe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melody Snow Monroe
were in some sexual haze. In a flash, he lifted her shirt and bra, exposing her tits to the air.
    “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to taste you.” He sampled her lips first before lowering his target to her tits.
    She expected him to gently suck. Instead, he dragged her nipple between his teeth and tugged. The exquisite pain turned into such strong, carnal lust that she lost her mind. Desperate to have him, she latched onto his belt and unhooked it. Next came the button and finally the zipper.
    He grabbed her hand. “Don’t go too fast. I want to savor this moment forever.”
    Could he get to her soul any faster? He knew what to touch and what to say. With her whole heart, she wanted to believe he meant every word.
    Instead of grabbing his cock, as was her intention, she ran her hands under his T-shirt. His rippled abs sent her heart soaring. His body molded under her fingers, and when she squeezed his muscled pecs, her pussy walls sure took off, sending out one contraction after another.
    This wasn’t supposed to happen so soon, but Cody was everything she’d ever wanted. For some reason, she wasn’t allowed to take off his pants, but he was taking no time divesting her of her shorts. She let them pool around her ankles, and her body ached for him. When his finger dipped into her pussy, she nearly caved. She had to have more contact. She pulled down his head to reach her lips. She kissed him hard and demanded entrance by running her tongue along the seam of his lips. He pressed his chest to hers. One hand cupped the back of her neck as his tongue greeted hers. His other hand continued to wreak havoc with her clit.
    When he slipped in a second finger, her eyes almost rolled back in her head. Spikes of lust blasted her. She couldn’t get enough of him. Their tongues mated. He swept into her mouth and explored her depths.
    Needing to feel his hard cock, she wove her hand between them and slipped her fingers down his pants. Leave it to Cody to wear cotton briefs. Once her hand touched his hard, throbbing dick, her legs weakened. His hand slipped from her neck to her waist as if he could sense her legs were about to give way.
    “What you do to me, Jessie McCallister. You make me lose my mind.”
    They both were lost then. She squeezed harder and so wanted to suck on his cock, but at the moment her mouth was preoccupied with his lips and tongue. He gently bit down on her bottom lip and moved his kisses lower.
    The stimulation was driving her mad. She wanted to get naked and fuck him silly, but they were outside. If anyone caught them, she might lose her job. As if reason washed down on her, she pulled back.
    “I can’t.”
    Cody withdrew his fingers. “You’re right. I don’t know what I was thinking. All I know is that I had to have you. I’m sorry.”
    “Don’t be. I wanted you just as much.”
    “I doubt that.”
    He reached around and rehooked her bra then buttoned up her shirt. If anyone walked around the corner, it would only be the shorts around her ankles that would draw the attention. She scooted to the side and pulled up her pants. All Cody had to do was zipper up.
    He kept his gaze on her. “I’ve had enough of the crowds for the day. You want to head back to my place?”
    She understood the invitation. Every part of her screamed yes . “Sure.”
    They hustled five more blocks back to his bike. He handed her the helmet as he donned his. After he got on the bike and started it, she climbed on board. This time she wrapped her arms tightly around his back and let her imagination go wild. Her pussy and nipples were still demanding attention.
    She barely noticed the drive back. Her thoughts were too preoccupied to think about anything but Cody and what she wanted to do with him when she got him in bed. He slowed the bike and pulled off the road. She leaned back.
    “What’s going on?”
    He stopped the bike and held up a hand. She could hear muffled voices. He tapped his helmet. He must have

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