Alaric's Bow: A Book of the Amari

Free Alaric's Bow: A Book of the Amari by KateMarie Collins

Book: Alaric's Bow: A Book of the Amari by KateMarie Collins Read Free Book Online
Authors: KateMarie Collins
this wasn’t right. He broke free of the kiss, only to have her bury her head in his chest, arms locked tight around his waist.
                  “I’ve missed you so much,” she whispered. “Every night, I go to sleep wishing I could turn back time and run off like you suggested. Honor be damned, I should’ve listened to you.”
                  “But you didn’t, Erien. Is this why you wanted to see me?”
                  She pulled away slightly, but did not fully let go of him. Raising her head, her eyes locked with his. “I can’t leave him. I know that. But give me one night, Kai. One that I can take with me every time your brother comes to my chamber drunk. A memory I can treasure. Then you and your friends can take your pet and go.” Her hand began to pull at his shirt.
                  Disgusted, he pushed her hand away and grabbed at her wrists. “My name’s not Kai. It’s Alaric. And Fin is no one’s pet.” His voice echoed harshly in his own ears.
                  Confusion ruled Erien’s face for a moment. Then, her eyes widened in shock. “You love her.”
                  Alaric let go of her wrists and walked around a chair. Leaning on the back, he exhaled slowly. “It’s complicated, Erien.”
                  She laughed, but there wasn’t any mirth in it. “You love her, and she doesn’t love you. Or you can’t gather the courage up to tell her.” She sneered at him, “Kaerdan’s terrified of you, and you’re letting some Amari witch control you. All you would need to do is raise your hand and the entire kingdom could be yours. He’s a bully. The people know it. And they’re tired of his brutality.” She crossed the room toward him. “I’d be yours, as well. Challenge him to a duel and you win me. You win a kingdom. I’d even let you keep that one as a pet if you must. But don’t think for a moment you can turn your back on me and walk away, Kai. You’re destined for so much more than some mercenary with a bow.”
                  “I swore an oath, Erien. To keep her safe and out of chains. I’m not going to turn my back on that for any reason.” His fingers grasped the chair firmly. “Kai’s dead. He and I were on the same boat, yes. But he died. I saw him be buried at sea. Kaerdan has no fear that his half Amari brother is going to show up to challenge his rule.” Inhaling deeply, he weighed his next words carefully, knowing they would be the most painful for her to hear. “I’m not sleeping with you, Erien. I’d rather find myself in chains kneeling before your husband than give up Fin.”
                  Shock played across her face, followed by grief. He’d once thought he loved her, yes. A few years ago, he would’ve jumped at what she offered. But that was then. He’d changed too much.
                  She was right about something, though. He loved Fin. The idea of betraying her, even if she never looked at him that way, chilled his very soul. Any hope of a relationship with her rested on her choices, her terms. He wasn’t about to jeopardize his chances with Fin. She had a very good memory.
                  Erien’s face became a stone mask, unreadable and unyielding. “I give you two days, Alaric.” Her voice, defeated, was barely above a whisper. “Conclude your business and quickly. I won’t stop him from finding you or your friends.”
                  Without another word, she turned and slid aside a panel of the wall. A man stood there, gold eyes reflecting the torch he carried. “Take me back to the palace,” she said.
                  The Amari stepped aside to allow her to pass, then closed the door behind her. Alaric turned the chair around in one swift motion, falling into it without a thought. His heart raced. Did he just condemn them all to being hunted?

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