A Scandalous Arrangement

Free A Scandalous Arrangement by Ashe Barker

Book: A Scandalous Arrangement by Ashe Barker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashe Barker
accused of much in the course of my life, but never babbling. At the risk of repeating myself, I have no wife. The Mrs. Luke you are referring to is in fact the widow of my younger brother who died in an unfortunate hunting accident some three years ago. Violet lives in Portsmouth. She does occasionally come to London, but prefers the quiet of the south coast. I gather she is contemplating remarrying so the confusion will soon be at an end when she takes a new name.” He paused to set his teacup down on the desk. “I trust that addresses the matter to your satisfaction.”
    Victoria furrowed her brow, far from convinced and still bristling. “Why would I believe you? Of course you would say some such thing.”
    Adam’s expression darkened, and Victoria felt the first stirrings of unease. His tone, when he responded, was clipped. “I do not babble, Victoria, and neither do I lie. Especially on such a weighty issue. I will be happy to introduce you to my sister-in-law in due course if that helps to make you feel more comfortable. At her wedding, perhaps.”
    Victoria tilted her chin at him. “I can conceive of no possible reason that would see me attending your sister-in-law’s wedding, sir.”
    He smiled. “Ah, you do at least believe me. This is progress. And you would attend the function with me, as my mistress.”
    “Mr. Luke, I am not—”
    He forestalled her outburst again by the simple expedient of lifting one lordly finger. “Please hear me out, Victoria. And may I suggest you call me by my given name, since we are to become such close associates.”
    She opened her mouth to again protest, but that raised finger was enough to silence her. She settled instead for glowering at him across their teacups.
    “Thank you, Victoria. So, where were we? Ah, yes, my terms for entering into partnership with you…” He settled back in his chair. “So, first the residential property. Wynne House, I believe it is called?”
    Victoria nodded.
    “Yes. A fine house, gracious I gather, and somewhat on the large side. Twelve bedrooms.”
    She offered no further encouragement.
    “I am prepared to return the house to you. The freehold will be yours.”
    “What? Why? Why would you do that? It’s worth—”
    “Please do not torment me with details. I am well aware of its value, but I am content that Wynne House should be returned to you. It is your family home and I would not wish you to be homeless. It would not suit me at all to see my mistress and business partner living in such reduced circumstances.”
    “And in return, I must sleep with you. Is that it?”
    “Not entirely, Victoria. My tastes are somewhat—singular, and though I will permit you to sleep when absolutely necessary, that will not be my primary purpose.”
    “You know what I mean. You want sex. With me. In return for not forcing my family from our home.”
    “I do want sex with you, but your home is yours whatever you decide on that matter. I am not a greedy or unreasonable man, Victoria. Your brother’s debt was more than covered by the mill itself, so we will concentrate our dealings on that. The house was superfluous, I have no doubt Edward only included it in the wager through ignorance or sheer carelessness. It is yours, or will be once I have instructed my lawyer to expedite the transfer.”
    “I see. Thank you. So…”
    “So, now that that is settled we can return to the sex you were so keen to discuss. Your offer to manage the mill on my behalf in return for a salary and a share in profits is an acceptable one. However, under my terms your share will be seventy-five percent rather than the fifty you suggested. You will find yourself in a position to repurchase the mill somewhat more quickly than you might have imagined. You will work long hours, I appreciate that, in order to achieve the return we both require, but your free time will be mine. To do with as I will.”
    “As you will?”
    He nodded. “Your time and your body.

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