Cold Justice

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Book: Cold Justice by Lee Weeks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lee Weeks
Tags: UK
outside; litter was flying about. He went up onto the decked area – the chairs had been removed before they blew away. He checked the bin and bagged up the insides, left the bag to collect on his way back. First he needed to check the bin near the cashpoint just below him.
    He walked back and down the steps towards the right-hand side of the car park and noticed how the ornamental hedges had become a magnet for every piece of flying litter.
    As he neared the bin he saw something dangling from the conifer in a pot. He noticed it because it was shimmering as it turned in the wind. White snow-flakes on mittens on a string.

Chapter 9
    By the time they got back to the Riverview apartment, Jeanie was just leaving for the evening. She stopped to talk with them on the stairs.
    ‘How is it in there?’ asked Carter.
    ‘It’s tense.’ Jeanie kept her voice low. The stairwell was absolutely quiet, the lift silent. ‘What are you going to do now?’
    ‘We thought we’d ask Toby a few more questions.’
    Jeanie didn’t answer. She looked past Carter at Willis. ‘Eb? What do you think?’
    Willis turned back. ‘I don’t know. If we put too much pressure on Toby at this time he’ll crack up. But . . .’
    ‘Yes, I agree,’ Carter interrupted. ‘I just think – this is about his child, not him. This is not about what he should or shouldn’t keep from his wife. I want to ask him about Gareth.’
    ‘It’s your shout,’ said Jeanie. ‘But I don’t think it will serve any purpose to put them at each other’s throats at this hellish time.’
    ‘You’re right, it’s my shout.’ Carter took a step forward and passed Jeanie. ‘All I care about is finding Samuel. The child is my priority. I don’t care if they end up divorced so long as I get him back safe and sound.’
    ‘I heard about your burglary. Really sorry, Dan, is Cabrina dealing with it okay?’ Jeanie asked as she took a step closer to him and waited for his eyes to focus and stay on hers. ‘Are
    He smiled and gave her a hug.
    ‘You know me – I’ll be fine and Cabrina, well, she’s decided it’s a good excuse to redecorate.’
    Jeanie left as Lauren answered the door; she looked exhausted. ‘Come in,’ she said wearily.
    She nodded towards the lounge. Toby was sitting on the sofa staring at his laptop, headphones on. Carter threw a glance towards Willis and she went back to talk to Lauren.
    ‘Lauren, can I help you source a takeaway for your tea?’
    Lauren took a few seconds to grasp what Willis meant. ‘No, it’s okay, thanks. I’m sure I can rustle up some pasta if we’re hungry.’
    ‘You have to eat, you know?’
    Lauren snatched up some bedsheets to fold.
    ‘I know, I know, it all seems so normal, the only thing missing here is my two-year-old son. I don’t want it to be normal.’
    ‘I understand, but there is nothing you can do except do your best to stay sane and healthy and keep positive.’
    Lauren smiled at Ebony and nodded as the detective took the other end of the sheet to help fold it.
    Carter walked across the room behind Toby and glanced down to see what he was looking at on his laptop. He was on Facebook. Carter walked around to the front and waved in his face. ‘Facebook?’
    Toby snatched the headphones from his head.
    He looked caught out. ‘I thought that might have been one of Gareth’s playlists you were listening to?’ Toby shook his head. ‘Was that Gareth on Facebook?’ Carter persisted. Toby didn’t answer. ‘It’s just that we went to see him earlier this evening. He seems very fond of you. You’re good mates?’
    Toby blinked at Carter. ‘I suppose you could say that.’
    ‘We met his mum,’ said Carter. ‘Seems she didn’t know you were married or had a kid.’
    ‘Why should she?’
    ‘Just wondered why you hadn’t mentioned it?’
    ‘It’s my private life. I like to keep it separate.’
    ‘Separate or secret?’
    He shrugged. ‘I just don’t choose to share my private

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