Taking Tiffany

Free Taking Tiffany by MK Harkins

Book: Taking Tiffany by MK Harkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: MK Harkins
surprise. I’m so sorry. We’ll have that cleaned and sterilized before you go back in. In the meantime, are you hungry?”
    Disbelief. Was she really talking about dead creatures and food in the same breath? And how did the news of it get to the doctor and the director? Oh, that’s right. Mr. Stupidly Handsome. He must have blabbed.
    “No. I’m not hungry. But someone should feed her.” I held the little girl’s eyes again.
    Another warm smile from Dottie. “We’re working on …”
    The door from outside burst open, and a young woman of eighteen or nineteen charged in. “Oh! There you are Mirela. I’ve been looking all over for you.” She had brown skin and a beautiful white smile. Long, dark hair framed a round face that radiated exuberance. She turned toward me and said, “Oh, you must be Angel!” then flung her arms around my neck. I thought I’d choke to death before she let go.
    I took a step back and gawked at her. “What do you think you’re doing?” I demanded as I straightened my clothing.
    She placed a hand over her mouth and giggled. “I did it again, didn’t I, Miss Dottie?”
    I remembered the old television show I watched on the Sci-fi channel when I was younger. Twilight Zone. It was an episode about landing in an alternate universe. That was what happened to me. All I needed to do now was wake up or turn the channel.
    “It’s okay, Elise. I think Angela is a bit shell-shocked. Let’s give her a little time to get settled in. Did Adam get the animal out of her hut yet?”
    Elise turned her bright smile my way. “He sure did! He’ll have that dead vole buried in no time.” Her head nodded the entire time she spoke. “I’m going to sterilize and clean it from top to bottom for you,” she said as she held out her hand for Mirela. “As soon as I get this little one back to the playroom.”
    As quick as lightning, Mirela dashed across the room and wrapped herself around my leg. For a little thing, she sure packed a punch. She almost knocked me off my feet.
    Dottie’s face softened. “She must have heard you standing up for her.” She turned to Elise and said, “I’ll bet she does speak or understand English after all.”
    Elise whispered to me, “She hasn’t eaten or spoken a word since she arrived yesterday. She won’t let anyone touch her either.”
    I tried to peel her from my leg, but she wrapped herself around me like stubborn ivy.
    My eyes pleaded with Dottie and Elise to do something. I didn’t like children. I didn’t know anything about them.
    Dottie’s sympathy was visible, but she said, “She hasn’t bonded with anyone yet.” She continued speaking while her eyes studied me. “I hadn’t planned to put you to work within minutes of your arrival, but can she stay with you a bit?”
    Panic, strong and powerful, replaced the exhaustion, anger, and dread from earlier. “What do I do with her?” I asked while shaking my head. No. I wasn’t equipped to help a starving, obviously crazy child. Why would she latch on to me?
    We were interrupted by loud male voices coming down the corridor outside the office.
    Dottie clapped her hands and said, “Oh good! You’ll get to meet my husband, Jerome, and that sounds like Dr. Stefan.” She stopped speaking and her eyebrows furrowed, replacing her happy expression.
    The two men were arguing, enthusiastically, and loud enough for us to hear.
    A deep voice with an English accent filled the hallway. “I don’t agree. What we need is skilled assistance, not some superficial socialite princess who will spend her days more concerned about her fancy clothes and makeup. She’ll be a horrible influence on the children and staff. Take my advice, send her out on the first plane available.”
    Another male voice with a similar English accent responded, “We need the help. You’ve seen the latest funding figures. We’re dealing with a potential disaster. She needs to stay. We’re desperate. Elise told me she’s more beautiful

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