Caught Up In You 3: Designer Love and Empty Things (Edgeplay)

Free Caught Up In You 3: Designer Love and Empty Things (Edgeplay) by Jenna McCormick

Book: Caught Up In You 3: Designer Love and Empty Things (Edgeplay) by Jenna McCormick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenna McCormick
clothes under his intense scrutiny.
     “You’ve lost weight.” Connor doesn’t look happy about it. “Come on, we can all have dinner together.”
     If he’s expecting some wild threesome action, he’s setting himself up for disappointment.
     Rochelle has made herself at home in the kitchen. An open bottle of wine stands at the counter and she’s sipping from a goblet lined with gold filigree. Everything about her speaks of casual sophistication and I can’t help feeling intimidated in my country bumpkin attire of denim and flannel.
      She arches one perfectly sculpted eyebrow at Connor. “So I gather you got a better offer and our plans for the night have changed?”
     “You gathered right.” Placing his hand against the small of my back, he urges me forward. “Baily, this is Rochelle Newhart, also known as Rachel Meade. Rochelle, Baily Sinclair, my girlfriend.”
     She gives me a slow once over. “Hi, real girlfriend, I’m the beard.”
     “I thought I was your beard?” Connor pours us each a glass from the wine bottle.
     Rochelle kicks off her shoes and curls her feet up under her before turning her attention to me. “It’s a mutually beneficial faux relationship.”
     “I’m not sure I see the need for a faux relationship when he’s in a real one.” My words sound more hostile and possessive than I feel. Something about Rochelle is too easy-going to really worry me. As a woman who truly desires Connor beyond all reason, I’m plenty familiar with the symptoms.
     Rochelle casts Connor a look of amusement. “Well, Mr. Hotshot here has a knack for pissing people off. I’m sure you’ve noticed.”
     Shooting Connor a glance, I see he isn’t insulted or even surprised. “Yeah, I’ve seen it in action.”
     Rochelle empties her wine glass and holds it up to Connor for a refill. “Yeah, he’s kind of a bull in a china shop when it comes to social graces. People only put up with him because he’s got more money than God.”
     I barely stifle a laugh. Connor refills both of our wine glasses and stands behind me, pressing his body against mine. “Glad you two are bonding,” he mutters.
     “Anyhow, sometimes people like to try and take him down a peg or two. And some of those very important people with unlimited resources and grudges galore also lack morals. They want to hit him where it hurts. Like by hurting someone close to him. Which is why he’s “estranged” from his family.”
     “Tell her how many attempts have been made on your life since we visibly hooked up.”
     “Six, but don’t credit yourself with all of them. I too have a knack for pissing people off.” Rochelle winks at me.
     Hearing her description of Connor’s life breaks my heart. Anytime he gets close to anyone he has to wonder if they’ll be used against him. I put my hand over his where it rests on my shoulder and squeeze his fingers in a silent show of support. That must be a terrible way to live, always afraid of losing those closest to you.
     His paranoia makes so much more sense now.
     “Don’t take this the wrong way because I’m grateful to you for helping him, but what do you get out of all this?”
     “Rochelle is gay,” Connor says.
     “And proud of it.” She toasts to that, then purses her lips. “Unfortunately, coming out would be the death knell of my career as a leading lady. As if who I shag has anything to do with my acting ability. But it’s the world we live in. Could be worse; at least no one is trying to stone me because I munch rug.”
     I blink, totally out of my depth.
     “Do you understand why I said you have no reason to be jealous?” His breath in my ear makes me shiver. “More likely she’ll hit on you than me.”
     “I don’t poach from my pals. Besides, it’s obvious she bats for the away team. She hasn’t checked out my rack once.” Rochelle hops up from her chair and stretches. “Well, if we aren’t going out to be seen, I’m gonna go get

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