The Twelve Dancing Princesses (Faerie Tale Collection)

Free The Twelve Dancing Princesses (Faerie Tale Collection) by Jenni James

Book: The Twelve Dancing Princesses (Faerie Tale Collection) by Jenni James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenni James
Tags: Fairy Tales, Twelve Dancine Princesses
kiss upon the top of her head. “As a subject of the king, it is my duty to help where he needs me. Where you need me.”
    “Why do I feel so safe at the moment? As if nothing in the world could ever harm me again.”
    “If I had my way, nothing ever would. You have been strong for too long. It is time for someone else to care for you.” She felt him pull back and stared into his dark glittering gaze. “Let it be me.”
    “Tell me I have a chance with you, my princess. I know I do not deserve a fraction of the love you could give me, but tell me nevertheless that there is hope in this quest of mine, that maybe one day you could see me as I see you.”
    She stared into those intense eyes for several seconds. Her heart had long lost the capability of beating a rational rhythm. In those moments, speech was impossible, and so she did the only thing she could do. Standing upon tiptoe, she reached her arms up around his neck and brought his mouth to hers.
    Oh, how he kissed her! How the world and all things perfect stood still in that time. His kiss was heaven—pure bliss.
    After a few minutes, he pulled back. It was a bit longer before he had voice enough to speak, though his smile conveyed everything he could not.
    She grinned.
    “We must behave now. It is not proper for me to be seen mauling the king’s beautiful daughter.”
    She laughed in surprise. “Mauling? Goodness! What a word! And what were you mauling, exactly?”
    He chuckled. “Your lips. And I have half a mind to do so again, if you do not stop looking so utterly adorable and shocked.”
    “But I cannot help it if I am utterly adorable or shocked. I am a princess, and it is my right to be so.”
    “Ahem.” He raised an eyebrow at her coy manner.
    And she blushed.
    Swiftly Aleck leaned forward and placed a kiss on her nose before saying, “Once you retire for the evening and everyone is respectable, I wish to be able to slip inside your room.” He raised a hand. “Not to kiss you again. Perhaps to sit upon the floor, so as not to disturb anyone. I would like to do so privately—I do not wish to alarm your sisters. Will you please leave the door open a smidge? When it all seems quiet and dark, I will sneak in. I promise to be gone by morning, but I feel the only way to solve this is to actually stay in the room with you, if I can.”
    It did seem practical, though a tad unnerving to have a man in the room who was not her father. But if they were ever to find out what was happening, then perhaps it would be the only way. She nodded her head.
    “Do not tell your sisters. I promise I will keep hidden, and no one will even know I am there, not even you.”
    How was that possible? “What about when you follow us to our dancing spot, if we indeed leave our room and go somewhere?”
    “I will keep hidden. I do not want anyone giving away the fact I am with you—that is, if you do actually travel somewhere at night. If one of your sisters sees me, they may continuously try to speak to me, revealing where I am instead of allowing me the opportunity to solve this riddle.”
    “Very well. I will tell this to no one. Just, please be careful, and remain hidden at all costs.”
    “I will.” He leaned forward and kissed her check. “Thank you. Thank you for everything.”

    ALECK COLLECTED THE CLOAK and slipped it on. Then he lingered outside the door of the old ballroom for several minutes. Once he could no longer hear any rustling at all, he slipped inside the room and silently felt his way along the wall until he came to a good spot next to a wardrobe. He slid down, letting his rear hit the floor, and then waited.
    He waited for a long time, just listening to the gentle breathing of the princesses around him as they slept. He had no idea where Casey was, and if he was anywhere near her. Perhaps it was best he did not, for it would probably embarrass him greatly. Bringing his knees up, he set his head upon them. He closed his

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