Doves Migration

Free Doves Migration by Linda Daly

Book: Doves Migration by Linda Daly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Daly
Honeycutt tends to favor a little grandeur, is all.”
Sarah sighed, taking in the bits and pieces she had gathered about her
mother-in-law, saying apprehensively, “Ah I see . . .”
Her daughter was not so delicate and reacted by bursting out laughing,
saying, “A little? Why in all my born days, I’ve never seen anything like
this house before. Nothing like flaunting your wealth.”
“Elise, how unkind of you.” Sarah scolded. “Why I’ve taught you
better manners than that. We are a guest in Michael’s parent’s home and I
forbid you to say or do anything that will dishonor him.”
“Yes, Mama. But from Michael’s outburst earlier and the way he acted
when we arrived, I’d say anything we did would be upsetting to him.”
“Please, Elise. I know you mean well, but you are not helping the
situation. Obviously, Michael is already upset about something, so out of
regard to him and as difficult as it might be, we must be certain to do
nothing that will further add to his burdens. Promise me, Elise, that you
will do nothing to upset him further.”
“I promise Mama.”
Smiling at her daughter wearily, Sarah said, “Good. Well, if we are to
be changed, before the servant comes back, I would suggest we do so
Immediately Miranda went to her wardrobe and selected silk robes for
Sarah and Elise to change into. Moaning, Elise marveled at all the lovely
suits and gowns Miranda had.
“Mama come look,” she exclaimed, “Why I’ve never seen such
beautiful things in all my life.”
“Tomorrow we will go shopping, so don’t fret. While you admire
Miranda’s gowns, I’ll take my leave. Just do me a favor dear, as you
convince Miranda to loan you a gown, please choose wisely. Nothing too
fancy, mind you. Soft and alluring, but sensible too. Miranda dear, do you
have something like that in your magnificent collection?”
“Why certainly, Mrs. Honeycutt,” she responded eagerly. Turning to
Elise, she enthusiastically began showing off her gowns. “Look at this one
Elise . . .”
“Oh Miranda, I adore it. How chic and elegant. Joshua won’t be able to
keep his eyes off me . . .”
Shaking her head while smiling, watching her daughter’s excitement,
Sarah commented, “Darlin’, I said sensible. As lovely as that gown is,
perhaps it is a bit revealing. Do keep in mind, you are meeting his mother
as well.”
Frowning, Elise reluctantly handed back the dress, mumbling, “Oh
pooh! Surely Mrs. Carmidy doesn’t expect her son to marry a frump.”
Seeing the disappointment in Elise’s eyes, Miranda began looking for
another gown more suitable. “Don’t fret Elise, there are others.”
Just then, a soft knock at the door alerted them that the maid had come,
and Miranda called out, “Come on in Beatrice.” Sarah smiled at the fiery
red-haired woman who had let herself in, carrying a tray.
“Hello, Beatrice is it? I’m Sarah Honeycutt, Michael’s wife, and if it
wouldn’t be too much trouble, could I have my tray sent to Micha . . .
er . . . Mr. Honeycutt’s room?” She suddenly recalled Miranda’s warning
how her mother-in-law expected her house to be run.
“Yes Mum. Shall I do that now?” From her accent, Sarah knew this
young woman was an Irish immigrant and she smiled to try and sooth her
“Mercy no. Take your time.” Then looking at Miranda and Elise who
were still busy selecting a dress, Sarah said, “Well, I’ll be on my way. Elise
dear, did you say what time Joshua was coming for you?”
“I’m not sure, he did say a few hours.”
“Well that gives you little time to do anything but freshen up. When
were you intending to rest?” she asked motherly.
“Oh Mama, please don’t fuss. I want to be with Joshua.”
Smiling, Sarah came over to her daughter and softly caressed her
cheek. “Well soon enough, you’ll be with him everyday, my darling.” Not
waiting for a reply, Sarah went to the door, pausing to watch the two
women together. How lovely it

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