Vanishing Act

Free Vanishing Act by John Feinstein

Book: Vanishing Act by John Feinstein Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Feinstein
Collins said. “But not by your everyday, ‘send us a few bucks’ kidnappers.”
    â€œWho, then?” Susan Carol asked.
    â€œThe SVR,” Collins said. “That’s the Russian CIA, or in the old Soviet days, it would have been the KGB. Misha is sure they have his daughter.”

    THE WAY Bud Collins told the story, he had spotted Symanova’s parents in the stands shortly after Stevie, Susan Carol, and Kelleher had left. “I went down to talk to them and they were in a state of panic. Misha kept saying, ‘I knew they would do something.’ Security came to walk the parents out of the stadium. I finally asked Misha who ‘they’ were when he calmed down a little. By then, we were walking with security. They tried to shoo me away, but Misha told them I was his friend. I’ve known him since the kid was twelve. So I walked back with him and his wife with about six security guards around us. He told me that Nadia is going to apply for American citizenship. The Russians don’t want that,
don’t want that. They don’t care if their players live here as long as they represent Russia in the Olympics and the Federation Cup and have ‘Russia’ after their names when they play. But if this girl becomes an American citizen and plays for the U.S., they will be extremely upset.”
    â€œUpset, I understand,” Kelleher said. “But kidnapping? Isn’t that a bit of an overreaction?”
    Collins shrugged. “Remember, they think this kid is going to be bigger than Kournikova and Sharapova. She’s got the game and the looks and she’s going to start winning majors very soon. Maybe at this tournament. She becomes an American, the Russians consider that a humiliation.”
    â€œI thought the Cold War was over,” Susan Carol said. “Isn’t this more like what would have happened before the Soviet Union split up?”
    â€œThings aren’t all that different,” Collins said. “I was there last summer. It isn’t so much communist anymore, but they still regard us as a major rival—especially when it comes to sports.”
    â€œDuke and North Carolina are rivals,” Stevie said. “This goes beyond a rivalry.”
    â€œTrue,” Collins said. “But Misha is convinced that’s what this is about. He’s not one of these crazy tennis fathers—he’s a pretty good guy. He thinks they’ll release her as soon as he agrees not to put in the papers for citizenship.”
    â€œBut what’s to stop them from applying later—after they set her free?” Susan Carol said.
    â€œI asked him that,” Collins said. “He almost laughed at me, and said, ‘They’ve made their point, Bud. They can get to her anytime, anyplace. If we try again, they will come after us again.’”
    â€œDoes that mean he’s going to give in?” Kelleher said.
    â€œDon’t know,” Collins said. “I was about to ask him his next step when we got to the players’ lounge and about five SMG operatives showed up and spirited him away. Norwood stopped long enough to poke his finger at me and say, ‘Anything he said to you is off the record.’”
    â€œWhat’d you say to that?” Stevie asked.
    â€œI told him the day I took orders from him would be the same day he was caught in a truth.”
    Kelleher pursed his lips. “The question is, if we
write it, are we endangering Nadia?”
    â€œTrue,” Collins said. “We should try to talk to him again.”
    The PA was making pinging noises to indicate an announcement was about to be made. Stevie looked at his watch. It was exactly three-thirty.
    â€œThe USTA press conference will begin in three minutes,” the voice on the PA said. “Three minutes in the main interview room.”
    â€œWe better get in there,” Kelleher said. “It’s bound

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