Powerless (Book 1): Powerless

Free Powerless (Book 1): Powerless by Niall McCreanor

Book: Powerless (Book 1): Powerless by Niall McCreanor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Niall McCreanor
Tags: Science Fiction | Superpowers
seemed to be that long. Philip placed his hand reassuringly on his son’s leg and began to talk.
    “I know you have been struggling lately. I know it’s not fair on you to be carrying the burden of what you have had to conceal about yourself while still trying to fit in, but I have been doing the best I can for you. I am not as equipped to deal with matters of delicacy as your mother was, if she was sitting here she would know exactly what to say to you.
    You know she bought me this old desk, when we got it the leg was already broken off; it was the best worst present I have ever received, if that makes sense. When I look at you, I see her. I see her every time and it kills me to know you are struggling. I know that I can't help you as I should. I tried to prepare you to deal with anything the world can throw at you physically and mentally, but maybe I lacked showing you how to deal emotionally. I find it hard to show those things. Your mother could just look at me and she would know exactly how I felt. She would draw out my emotions as well as her own...”
    Philip paused for a second to clear his throat and wiped away some tears that had begun to gather in his eyes. Lee kept his face turned downward so as to not make his father self-conscious of the situation. Instead just listening as his father spoke on.
    “The day you were born my whole life got thrown on its head. Joey and I had plans, but they were ruled out that day. When she left, she gave me one final gift. That was you, son. With her last breath she gave you your name...”
    Lee raised his head slightly on hearing this. He had never been told this story before and continued to listen to his father.
    “Sorry for asking you to carry this burden alone, but it’s something you must do, for your own safety and protection. I might have been wrong in the way I raised you, but I feel now as I did then, that it’s the best thing for you. When your mother passed I became drained of all outward emotion, it doesn’t mean I don’t feel everything inside, because I do. I am just not strong enough to show it. I love you son, I don't say that enough, but I do and one day you will find someone who will make you feel as your mother made me feel.
    Even when that happens I want you to be very careful who you trust with your secret. Relationships end and there is a thin line between love and hate. If your secret gets out you will be in inherent danger and if that happens you will need an exit strategy. I am proud of you son, so be careful and be kind to yourself. I can already see the kind of man you are becoming and I am nothing but proud...”
    He reached out to the desk, opened a drawer and took a handkerchief out , wiping his eyes, cleared his nose and stood up to walk away. Halfway across the room he turned one more time to face his son. “And, Lee...” Lee didn’t respond. He just turned his head towards where his father was standing and waited for him to continue, “...Don't skip school again.” He didn’t answer, but nodded in acknowledgment.
    As his father left, he just sat there and reflected on what had just happened. Sitting in silence he once again flicked through the photo album in front of him, not so much looking at the pictures this time, but rather just to have something to focus on. To every young person their father is the strongest person in the world and this is this first time that Lee saw his father not as a man with superhuman strength, but as a man; a normal man who had to face the trials and tribulations of everyday life and far from being infallible he was actually quite flawed.
    Lee took strength from this. He didn’t need a shrouded ability to be a man. The definition of what made him good and complete was not what was reflected out; rather what was reflected in. Knowing the measure of a man was being able to face the world head on and not hide away or complain when it knocks you on your ass. From then on Lee would face anything the world

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