The Earl of Ice

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Book: The Earl of Ice by Helen A. Grant Read Free Book Online
Authors: Helen A. Grant
Tags: Romance
She was glad to be offered another opportunity to ride Demon, and she also couldn’t deny the feeling of pleasure that shot through her at the thought of spending another day riding with Rollo.
    When the proposed outing was discussed with the others over dinner that evening, it seemed that they had already arranged to ride to the Needlepoint Folly with Oliver and Lady Brockwood the next day. Diana was disappointed, for she saw the opportunity to spend more time with Rollo disappearing. She was further disappointed when all agreed that she must select a more biddable mount should she wish to accompany them to the folly.
    Diana, however, did not want to be in Oliver’s company, especially without the earl present, all day; it was irrational, perhaps, but he still made her uneasy and anxious even though he had never behaved in any untoward manner toward her. She also did not care to ride out if she couldn’t ride Demon; having to concentrate on handling the spirited horse gave her no time to dwell on her current situation. “I think I will remain at the Hall and continue with the book I am reading. You all please go. I will enjoy a quiet day.”
    Rollo was disappointed; he had hoped that Diana, having enjoyed the outing to Spartan Top, may now be more willing to take part in other activities, but she appeared to have withdrawn again.
    Fortunately for Diana, her father, who was seldom perceptive in such situations, realized that his daughter was unhappy with the plans for the next day. He therefore offered what he hoped was a solution.
    He turned to Rollo. “Brockwood,” he said, “I would not mind a ride out on the stallion Hermes, whom I am contemplating purchasing from you. Perhaps I could accompany you in the morning and by doing so allow Diana to join us and ride Demon, as was your original proposal.” Viscount Westbury was rewarded by a grateful smile from his daughter and a nod from his wife, indicating she approved of his suggestion. It was rare such praise was bestowed on him and he smiled back across the table benevolently.
    Rollo thought this a brilliant solution, too, and it would ensure that Diana enjoyed some time outside in the fresh air. He tried to ignore the niggling thought that his pleasure with this plan stemmed from the fact that he would be in Diana’s company. “Excellent plan. I intend to set off immediately after breakfast, as I have to attend a short meeting with the postmaster, so if this suits you both, then I would welcome your company.”
    “Papa, perhaps we can visit the teashop whilst Lord Brockwood attends to his business,” Diana suggested, knowing her father’s weakness for tea and cakes.
    “Excellent plan,” said Rollo again, glad that arrangements now appeared to be place. “When we have finished our chores in the village, we can ride up to the folly and join the rest of you at your picnic.”
    Viscount Westbury had no desire to picnic, but sensibly refrained from mentioning this. He would extricate himself from that part of the outing tomorrow.


Chapter 7
    Fortunately the next morning the sun was shining and the sky was blue and cloudless. Diana and her father, both already dressed in riding attire, were enjoying their breakfast when Lord Brockwood entered the dining room. Viscount Westbury had always been an early riser, and ever since the incident at the Whittington Ball, sleep had not come easily to Diana, so an early start suited them both.
    “Good morning,” Rollo greeted, as Diana and her father rose to their feet. “I have instructed the stables to have our mounts ready for us at half past the hour. I hope this is agreeable to you both?”
    After nodding agreement all three concentrated on eating their meal and were finished and outside the front of the house just as the grooms were leading the horses from the stable. Diana, seeing that the young lad with Demon was struggling, smiled sympathetically and walked to meet him and relieve him of his

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