The Earl of Ice

Free The Earl of Ice by Helen A. Grant

Book: The Earl of Ice by Helen A. Grant Read Free Book Online
Authors: Helen A. Grant
Tags: Romance
the little tufts of hair on the backs of his wrists peeping out below the edge of his cuffs. Idly she began to wonder if the hair was also on his chest. She blushed at the thought. What nonsense! What was she thinking?
    Looking at the fields with ripening golden corn rippling in the wind, Diana had an overwhelming feeling of homesickness. “I long to return home and put behind me all that happened in London,” she told Caroline.
    “Mama was saying we are to depart for home on Monday and we will be back in Yorkshire before the end of the week,” Caroline informed her.
    “I hope you have the right of it,” replied Diana. They had been made most welcome at Brockwood Hall, but she now just wanted to be home.
    It was midafternoon before everyone was ready to return to the house. Diana again planned to let the other riders go on ahead before she mounted Demon. He would be full of energy having had a rest and plenty of fresh grass to eat. She wandered over to where the horse was tied up and to her surprise found the Earl of Ice leaning against the tree waiting for her. She smiled, pleased to have his company for the return journey.
    “I have let the stable lads go ahead so they can help the others dismount and take care of the horses when they arrive back,” Rollo explained as he cupped his hands together to assist Diana to mount.
    Diana swung deftly onto the saddle, unknowingly allowing Rollo a glimpse of her slender ankles. I really shouldn’t be looking at the girl’s legs, thought Rollo, slightly unsettled at the effect the well-shaped ankle had on him.
    By the time Rollo had mounted Periklis, the rest of the party were a small speck in the distance.
    Diana, feeling lighter-hearted than she had for days, threw down a challenge. “What do you say we race to see who can get back to the house first?” She knew that she stood little chance of winning, but felt that Demon would give Periklis a good run for his money.
    Rollo was about to refuse, fearing for her safety, but could not resist the sparkle of excitement in her eyes. “Very well,” he said, although he intended to keep Periklis to a very steady pace so Diana would not have to be reckless to keep up with him.
    In a trice Diana was flying past him, her long hair flowing out from under her hat. Drat the girl. He had to give Periklis his head in order to make up the ground between them and it was some time before he drew alongside her not far from the stables. She laughed good naturedly as she waved him past acknowledging he had won, and they both slowed to a trot.
    “You took your time,” teased Diana. “I wondered if you’d had a fall.”
    “And I wondered if you had lost your senses, careering off at such a breakneck speed,” growled Rollo, who, for a brief moment, had been so worried about her safety that his stomach had knotted in fear. He was very impressed with her horsemanship, but was not going to admit it to this little minx. It was a good thing that his guests were to leave soon, because he was in danger of this young lady penetrating his cold facade; she appeared to see right through it. Or at the very least was not in the least dissuaded by it. Nevertheless, she was his guest and he would try to make her last couple of days at Brockwood Hall enjoyable. If he had a sudden pang at the thought of her leaving his home soon, he ruthlessly squashed it.
    It was obvious to him that she had very much enjoyed the ride today. She even seemed reluctant for it to end and was slow to dismount when they walked into the stable yard. He had enjoyed her company and impulsively offered, “I ride Periklis most mornings and wondered if tomorrow you would consider joining me to give Demon some exercise. Perhaps we could run a few errands in the village. The other ladies would be welcome to join us, and Parton Village boasts some interesting shops and a small tea room.”
    Diana’s heart leapt at the thought. “I would like that very much,” was her swift reply.

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