The Witch Collector Part II

Free The Witch Collector Part II by Loretta Nyhan

Book: The Witch Collector Part II by Loretta Nyhan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Loretta Nyhan
such a good feeling. I mean, I believe in coincidences, but . . .”
    We started walking again, Shelley silently working through her thoughts, leaving me to my own.
    They were all of Brandon. I should have been parsing through what Seralina told me, sifting for clues about my parents and Gavin’s plans, but all I could think about was the day Brandon left for training, the hope and pride shining in his eyes. Had he known he was unmarked? Did he have any inkling of what was to come?
    There was also the possibility that unmarked witches were meant to be together. Had our relationship been arranged? If it was, had my parents known? My mind moved in circles.
    “Sometimes,” Shelley said, gently interrupting my brooding, “it helps to think through a problem with a friend. I know you know that, but—”
    “No, you’re right,” I said, though I didn’t think I could articulate all my fears about Brandon. At least not yet.
    Shelley linked arms with me. “So what do we know? Seralina is Brandon and Ion’s mother. Gavin’s use of Black Magic is possibly stopping Ion’s transition. Brandon is unmarked.”
    “In a nutshell,” I said, amazed at how quickly she distilled everything I’d just been told.
    “So why would Gavin need you?” she mused.
    “Unless you have something Brandon doesn’t!”
    I gazed down at my scuffed flats and ratty jeans. “It’s not exactly apparent what that is.”
    “You underestimate yourself,” she said, dismissing my comment with a wave of her hand. “What about that book you had on your bed? The Mysteries of the Unmarked ? Maybe it’s got some info on differences among unmarked witches. Maybe there are grades, and you’re, like, super Prime A cut and Brandon’s only a C?”
    I laughed, but it was a good idea.
    “Let’s go check it out,” I said, and we quickened our pace.
    We pored over the book, undisturbed. The apartment seemed vacant when we returned, but every so often I’d hear low chanting or catch a whiff of incense. I’d never been involved in a consecration ceremony and didn’t know my role or what was required of the other witches.
    “I’m sorry, but I don’t see anything here that can help us. This isn’t exactly a reference book,” Shelley said, tossing it onto the dresser. “I’d better see if Miro needs my help.”
    “What should I do?” I asked, feeling completely in the dark. It was a feeling I unfortunately was getting used to. “Am I supposed to be doing something?”
    Shelley smiled. “Resting. Once the stone is consecrated, Miro is going to want to have another practice session right away. It’ll go much better with a real talisman.”
    I doubt he wants anything to do with me, I thought. But it wasn’t time to worry about Miro. I stood up, pacing around the furniture. “I can’t rest. When I was doing magic at Ion’s, all these images spun through my mind—my parents, my friends, my past. That’s happened before, but the thing is, it felt like the past. Like those things were gone and I’d never get them back. It feels like weeks since my parents disappeared, and I’ve just been running in place.”
    Shelley walked over and wrapped her arms around me. She smelled of gardenias, and her wild curls tickled my nose. “You aren’t running in place,” she soothed. “You ran here . Now lie down for a little while, and clear your mind. The next step will come to you. I’ll be thinking, too, Breeda. You are not alone in this.”
    She kissed my cheek and pointed to the talisman she’d given me. “Piotr found that stone on a hike we took at Silver Moon Rock. He gave it to me as a promise, and my mother blessed it and wove the leather tie that holds it as a benediction for our future. When he died, I couldn’t bear for it to be consecrated.” Shelley’s eyes glistened with tears. “I’m so glad it’s been of help to you,” she continued. “Piotr would have liked you just as much as I do.” She paused, her

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