You're Mine Now

Free You're Mine Now by Koppel Hans

Book: You're Mine Now by Koppel Hans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Koppel Hans
    Now she was ashamed. Before and after were different worlds.
    Erik pressed himself against her, purred, made himself small on purpose. She wanted to get up and leave. False conventions forced her to lie there and feel her pulse beating against her temples.
    ‘Nice,’ he said, with a lisp.
    Anna felt her body stiffen. Was he talking baby language? No way, that would be too much to bear. She couldn’t have a sexual relationship with a man who used baby talk.
    ‘Wasn’t it?’ he added, removing any doubt.
    She smiled in reply. He was a better lover than her husband, far better. But that didn’t matter when he lisped in the belief that it was charming.
    She tapped him on the chest.
    ‘In the cupboard.’
    He was lisping. Who on earth had got him to believe that it was anything other than a complete turnoff? Anyway, it was a good thing. She’d have no problem resisting the temptation in the future. Anna opened her mouth under the water as she soaped herself. Suddenly the bathroom door opened and the shower curtain was pulled to one side.
    Anna blinked the water out of her eyes and saw Erik holding out his mobile phone towards her.
    ‘What the hell are you doing?’
    She reached for the towel.
    She pointed the shower at him, he dodged out the way, laughing. She closed the door again, rinsed off the soap and dried herself thoroughly. She wrapped the towel around her body and went out.
    ‘That wasn’t funny.’
    Erik was sitting by the kitchen table in his boxers, his mobile phone connected to his open laptop.
    ‘What are doing?!’
    Anna rushed forwards and snatched away the phone.
    ‘Were you thinking of posting those pictures?’
    Erik sighed.
    ‘I just went on to the internet and I surf on my phone. Why would I want to post those pictures?’
    ‘How dare you photograph me naked!’
    ‘You’re beautiful. I just wanted something to remind me.’
    ‘Well, I don’t want you to take pictures of me, either naked or dressed. Understood?’
    She looked alternately at Erik and the phone screen.
    ‘You did that in Mölle too. Are you are pervert, or something?’
    ‘It was a joke. So that you’d get as hysterical as you did in Mölle.’
    ‘Did I get hysterical?’
    ‘You don’t know what hysterical is. Do you realise what you’re doing? Do you know how bloody invasive that is?’
    Erik went over to the sink and filled a glass of water. He gulped it down.
    ‘You were filming me,’ Anna said, and held up the phone to him as evidence.
    She was almost shaking when she tapped her finger on the screen and deleted the file. ‘I was just mucking around,’ Erik said, hurt.
    Anna went over to him, handed back the phone and picked up his laptop. She checked his history and looked through his files. He stood beside her, watching.
    ‘Lucky for you,’ she said, once she’d confirmed that nothing had been downloaded on to the computer.
    Erik shook his head.
    ‘You don’t have a very high opinion of me, do you?’
    Anna controlled herself.
    ‘You can’t just barge in and film me in the shower. Don’t you get that?’
    Erik tightened his lips.
    ‘It was a joke, okay? I didn’t mean anything by it. I’m sorry if I upset you. But it’s not exactly like we don’t know each other.’
    ‘It is, in fact,’ Anna said. ‘That’s exactly what it is. We don’t know each other at all. And I have to go now.’
    She went into the sitting room, gathered up her clothes and threw the towel at him.
    The water spilled from his glass as he caught it.
    ‘How can you say that after everything we’ve done?’
    ‘Everything we’ve done? We’ve slept together, had sex. That’s nothing, that’s…’
    She made a gesture with her hands to show that whatever it was had now gone up in smoke. Erik stared at her.
    ‘What?’ Anna said.
    ‘Doesn’t this mean anything to you? Do you really think that I just jump into bed with anyone?’
    ‘Stop. You’re young, you’re

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