COZY MYSTERY: Trail Mix Murder: A Cozy Mystery in the Mountains (Book 2)

Free COZY MYSTERY: Trail Mix Murder: A Cozy Mystery in the Mountains (Book 2) by Liz Turner

Book: COZY MYSTERY: Trail Mix Murder: A Cozy Mystery in the Mountains (Book 2) by Liz Turner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Liz Turner
everlasting. Greed, Love, Hate, Jealousy…” Victoria said. “I always felt that if you only understood the stories of all the people involved in the case, sooner or later the murderer’s motive would be clear to you.”
    “Unfortunately or fortunately, the motive isn’t all we need,” Steve said. “We humans need proof before we go around calling someone a murderer!”
    “Well, Declan has a pretty solid motive to murder LeeLee, doesn’t he?” Adam asked. “He was set to inherit her money.”
    “Was he?” Victoria asked. “After all, the two had only been dating for a year or two, and they weren’t married yet. I’m not so sure he was going to inherit much until after he married her. No, Adam, I think I side with Steve in saying that perhaps it wasn’t Declan after all.”
    “Hey, I’m not saying he’s innocent.” Steve protested. “I’m just saying we shouldn’t go around painting him a murderer before the police even confirm there’s been a murder.”
    “I agree.” Dr. Molly said. “But I tell you what I saw. That painting of LeeLee’s was definitely missing.”

Chapter 12
    Victoria knew that she’d have to go offer her condolences to Declan sooner or later. What she didn’t expect was to have him show up at her café that very afternoon.
    The entire café seemed to become alert as the door jangled and he walked in, looking very somber in a dark suit with a light blue shirt and a black tie.
    “Coffee, please.” Declan murmured, keeping his head down.
    “It’s on the house,” Victoria said, handing him a cup. She brought out a slice of her key-lime pie and placed it next to the coffee. “That too.” She said.
    Declan bit his lip and drank his coffee silently.
    Someone came up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder. It was Adam Driver, with Steve Boonbury next to him.
    “Declan,” Adam said. “We just want to say we’re very sorry for your loss.”
    Declan made no motion of acknowledging Adam’s statement. He drank his coffee and looked blankly ahead of him, lost in thoughts.
    “Declan?” Adam squeezed his shoulder. “You alright, man? We’re here for you if you need anything.”
    “How about peace and quiet?” Declan growled.
    “Sorry.” Adam raised his hands and backed away. “I understand you’re grieving...”
    “No!” Declan said. “No, you don’t understand. All of you smug, insipid folk simply don’t understand.” He turned around in his seat and faced them. “You think I don’t know what you whisper about me? You think I don’t know what you think? I know it all. You’re hypocrites, the lot of you. Vultures. You believe I murdered her for the money. I know you do. Idiots! I loved that woman. Yes, part of me loved her for her money and her ability to give me a good life but I loved LeeLee more than any of you two-bit townspeople love your two-bit wives!”
    “Alright, Declan, you might want to calm down.” Victoria said, “I’ve got a room upstairs if you want to collect yourself.”
    “I don’t want to collect myself,” Declan said, jumping up. “I want to...I want to kill someone! I want to put my hands around someone’s throat and squeeze. I was happy, finally, for the first time in my life, I was happy and some rotten, vile, maniac took my happiness away from me. I lost everything when I lost LeeLee.”
    “You didn’t lose your friends,” Victoria said. “I know that we like to gossip in this town but when you look into our hearts you’ll find that every offer for help that is extended to you comes from love and sincerity. You’re part of our community even if you only did live here six months. We’re all sorry for your loss, truly. We’ve all lost people close to us, so we know that right now you must feel raw and battered.”
    “I feel… tattered.” Declan said. “Like an old book, that’s starting to come apart. Those reporters are outside my house day and night. They’ve even followed me here. Last night someone asked me

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