In Too Deep (Motorcycle Club Erotic Romance)

Free In Too Deep (Motorcycle Club Erotic Romance) by Eva Dell

Book: In Too Deep (Motorcycle Club Erotic Romance) by Eva Dell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eva Dell
Chapter 1
    Amber Avis pulled into the parking lot of the Rattlesnake Tavern, a bar in downtown Phoenix run by the Armenian mob. It was still daytime and there weren’t many cars there yet.

    She parked, then checked her makeup in the rearview mirror. One nice thing about this job was she got to dress slutty. At first she didn’t think she would like it, but it started to grow on her to the point that it was a real turn-on to play the part of the young, hot bartender. Today she’d worn short cutoffs, short enough that her ass peeked out of the bottom, and a halter top, no bra, leaving nothing to the imagination.

    A man named Davit Sarafian owned the bar. Everyone called him Big Dave because he weighed north of 350 pounds. But he wasn’t the reason Amber had taken the bartending job two months ago. Big Dave was the nephew of the man she wanted, Heros Grigoryan, one of the highest ranking members of the Armenian mafia.  

    The FBI had been after Grigoryan for some time, but since some rumors surfaced six months ago of a potential arms deal with an extremist group out of Lebanon, the order came down from high up to get this guy at any cost. So when Amber had learned of Big Dave’s relation to Grigoryan it didn’t take much to convince her boss to let her go in undercover and see if she could work something up.

    It was her first time working in the field. Before, she’d been stuck at a desk all day as an analyst, wearing a suit and contemplating a career change, maybe a different agency, someplace she could get into some action. This was her big break and she meant to make the most of it.  

    The problem was, in the two months of working there, enduring Big Dave constantly hitting on her, grabbing her ass, she had not managed to dig up a single thing related to Grigoryan. The only illegal activity she’d seen the entire time was Big Dave running some prostitutes, and a little blow every now and then.

    Her cell phone rang. The caller ID said it was Ron.

    If anyone ever asked, Ron was her brother who lived in Long Island with his wife and two dogs. She actually did have a brother but his name wasn’t Ron.

    This Ron calling her now was her boss at the FBI, and they pretended to be brother and sister in case anyone was listening.

    “Hello,” she said.

    “What’s up, sis?”

    “Hey, I’m alone.”

    “Ok,” he said. “Anything new?”

    “No, same old. I haven’t seen any of the higher ups, just street level scum bags.”

    “Yeah, well we knew it was a long shot going in.”

    “I still think Big Dave could have something going on besides this bullshit I’ve seen so far.”

    “Maybe,” Ron said, “but, listen, I’m getting a lot of pressure from up top to either produce something or shut this thing down.”

    “Ron, come on. I’ve barely had any time to get anything. You know these things can take awhile.”

    “Yeah, I know. Trust me I know. But we’ve got limited resources and we need to use them wisely. You’ve done a good job though. I’ll definitely recommend you for more undercover work.”

    “Look, give me another week,” she said.

    “I can’t, I’m sorry. If nothing substantial turns up after this weekend we have to pull the plug.”

    “Ok, fine.” It was no use arguing with him.

    “Take care of yourself. I know it’s been a cakewalk so far but these things can turn bad very quickly.”

    “I know, I know. I’ll talk to you later.” She got out of the car, slammed the door and went inside.

    It was still the afternoon and there weren’t many people around, but it was Friday so things would pick up soon. Big Dave was sitting at the bar reading the paper.

    “Hey,” she said to him.

    He looked up at her. “Well, goddamn. Aren’t you a sexy thing.”

    She smiled then kissed him on the cheek. He was disgusting but she wanted to be on his good side. Hopefully she didn’t have to do something drastic in order to find something out before the weekend was up. She

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