Rocky Mountain Wife

Free Rocky Mountain Wife by Kate Darby

Book: Rocky Mountain Wife by Kate Darby Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Darby
matching sunbonnet and shiny new shoes. Radiant with happiness, she set the bundle she carried on the entry table and untied her bonnet. “I couldn’t let you get ready for your wedding all by yourself.”
    “How did you know I was getting married? Wait, I bet it was my mother.” Claire closed the door. “She shouldn’t have said anything.”
    “Why not?” Josie interrupted, hanging her hat on a hook and scooping up the bundle. “There’s no reason to keep this quiet.”
    “Gee, Josie, I seem to remember you just up and got married without hardly telling a soul.” Claire stopped, spotting a movement outside the window. “Wait, is that—?”
    “Lucy?” Josie finished, nodding. She gave her rich brown locks a toss over her shoulder. “Yes. You know how Lucy is. Once she knew that I wanted to come over and help you, she had to come, too.”
    “And is that Georgia with her?”
    “We’re your friends. You don’t have to leave us out of this.” Josie hugged the bundle she carried. “I know the ceremony will be just you and Mr. Reed, but we’re here for you. Always.”
    Tears gathered behind Claire’s eyes as Josie opened the door and two of her closest friends tumbled in, bringing with them the late spring sunshine and sparkling cheer.
    “I brought my wedding dress.” Lucy hugged the garment to her, wrapped in a sheet. “You and I are the same size, so it should fit. It’s probably fancier than you were planning on, but John and I were so happy together. I thought if you wore it, some of that happiness might rub off on you.”
    “Oh, Lucy. I couldn’t.” Claire spotted a lacy ruffle peeking out from around the edge of the sheet. “I wouldn’t trust myself with it. What if something happened to it? What if I tore it or spilled something on it?”
    “It’s just a dress.” Lucy shook off the sheet, revealing a lovely lawn dress of cream fabric and lace that made everyone’s breaths catch.
    “You would look beautiful in this dress. Besides, it goes great with this bonnet I brought.” Georgia Rossi opened the hatbox she carried and pulled out the most exquisite little hat, trimmed in lace. She held it up proudly. “This can be your something new.”
    “And I’ve brought something old. It’s the cameo my mother wore at her wedding for your something borrowed.” Josie carried her bundle into the parlor and unwrapped it on the coffee table. The sunshine spilling through the front windows glinted on the treasures. “Here’s a sapphire necklace Noah gave me after our marriage, so that can be something blue.”
    “And I have a penny for your shoe.” Lucy pulled a copper coin from her pocket. “C’mon, let’s go upstairs and fuss over you.”
    “I can’t believe you’ve done all this.” Claire’s heart filled, touched by her friends’ thoughtfulness.
    “What other choice did we have?” Georgia asked with a wink. “We missed out on Josie’s wedding. We aren’t about to let that happen again.”
    “Susannah couldn’t be here, since she had to work,” Lucy explained, leading the way upstairs, her pretty skirt flouncing as she went. “But she sent along something borrowed.”
    “She sends her love,” Josie added, bringing up the rear as they trouped up the staircase and into the small hallway. “Oh, hello, Mrs. Kline.”
    “Hello, dear girls.” Ma’s smile of greeting crinkled up her face, making her look adorable. “How wonderful of you all to make it.”
    “It was wonderful of you to invite us over.” Josie winked, laying her lovely things on the bureau top.
    “Yes, we wouldn’t want to miss this for the world.” Lucy spread out her wedding dress on the bed.
    “My, isn’t that lovely? It’s just what Claire needed. Well, I’ll get out of the way and let you girls take over.” Happily, Ma scooted across the room, pausing to pat Claire’s face. “I’ll be right downstairs, but something tells me you have all you need.”
    Claire’s throat tightened. She wanted

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