The Ballad of Gregoire Darcy

Free The Ballad of Gregoire Darcy by Marsha Altman

Book: The Ballad of Gregoire Darcy by Marsha Altman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marsha Altman
warn you, the Prince is very fat. Not as bovine as the Courier would have you believe, but not far from it. When he falls, he usually breaks whatever is beneath him, and it takes two men to get him up, so you’ll need someone else to help you. That is assuming you want the position of babysitting the Prince Regent every night while he drinks himself into oblivion.” Before Bertrand could answer, he continued, “There will, of course, be a field test next week. I’ll send my card with instructions.” He rose, and offered his hand. “And no, I won’t say anything. Honey.Why didn’t I think of that? Exemplary thinking.”
    The young doctor shook his hand. “Thank you, sir.” He seemed to notice that half a finger was missing, but he said nothing. “Thank you very much.”
    â€œThe pleasure is mine,” Dr. Maddox said, and was not lying.

    One could never go home again. Every time Elizabeth Darcy came to Longbourn, it had undergone some new renovation. Mary’s inheritance, in Mr. Bennet’s possession, was no small sum, and on the interest alone they could do as they pleased to make the estate comfortable. Although it was true that it now had fewer occupants than ever, it also hosted more guests who needed the space, so another wing had been added. The real question was how Mr. Collins expected to keep it all up when he inherited the estate. He could not sell it, and Joseph Bennet was not legitimate and had no claim to it. Mr. Bennet dismissed these concerns with his staunch refusal to keel over.
    Mr. Bennet was very old, but in good health, and his pattern of living had not altered much in the many years since his
daughters (most of them) had married and moved away. He read, he ate, and on occasion he went to church. Joseph Bennet was eight, and between his grandfather and his mother, he had two accomplished tutors.
    Mrs. Bennet had been sad to see Lydia go when her favorite daughter remarried, and she spent much time talking with Mrs. Philips and the Lucases, and whoever else was available. With the war over, there were fewer redcoats these days, just men in shabby versions of their old uniforms, drinking and making trouble. Otherwise, life in Hertfordshire continued as normal, only thirty miles from London but far away in its way of life.
    â€œAunt Darcy!” cried a horde of children, who were the first to greet her carriage. Joseph Bennet, the Bingley twins, and Edmund Bingley came charging out the front doors of Longbourn before the servants could stop them.
    â€œI am glad to be the object of so much attention,” she laughed as they surrounded her before going to greet their cousins. Then she could finally turn her attention to Jane, who was following her children. “I came as soon as I could. Mr. Darcy will be here in a few days.”
    â€œIt is not urgent,” her sister said. “Though it is good to see you.” She threw her arms around Elizabeth and the two hugged.
    As the children were rounded up, the two sisters walked inside, where Mrs. Bennet was in the sitting room, working on some new embroidery. “Oh, my dear Lizzy! How are you?”
    â€œVery well, Mama,” Elizabeth said. “Mr. Darcy will arrive in a few days.”
    â€œMr. Darcy! That insufferable man!” Mrs. Bennet said, and then smiled pleasantly. “Jane, where are the children?”
    â€œOutside, Mama.”
    â€œAnd the grandchildren?”
    At a loss, Jane said, “Also outside. They will be in soon.”
    â€œThey shouldn’t stay out—the sun will ruin their complexions. You know how Georgiana freckles!” she said. Georgiana was in Ireland,
but that didn’t matter to her. “I must find Edmund. Edmund!” she shouted, and walked slowly down the hallway, in the direction of Mr. Bennet’s study.
    â€œEdmund?” Elizabeth said, picking up the dropped embroidery circle. The stitches seem to be randomly

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