
Free Atlantis by Jessica Rosberg

Book: Atlantis by Jessica Rosberg Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Rosberg
                  Sloane shook her head. "I wish it were."
                  Candice folded her arms on the table and buried her face in them.
                  "We have to do something," Sloane said, an edge of desperation in her voice.
                  "I know." Candice didn't look up for several moments. When she did, she said, "I'm going to give Marcus a call. Maybe he can give us some jobs. We'll have to start at the bottom again, work our way up, rebuild our reputation."
                  "I swear to God if I ever see Geraldine again…"
                  "I know." Candice nodded. "I know."
                  Three days later, Sloane and Candice were sitting coach on a flight to Michigan. The Parker sisters…flying coach…talk about an embarrassment. But, it was all they could afford and they needed to get to this job. It wasn't even a great job. They were modeling for a small car enthusiast magazine. It was pathetic considering not more than four months ago they were gracing the covers of popular magazines. But, it was a paying job and that's what they needed right now—money.
                  "It smells funny," Candice whispered, scrunching up her nose.
                  "I know. Thank God it's not a long flight," Sloane responded as she adjusted in her seat for the hundredth time trying to find a comfortable position. They'd agreed to fly back home as soon as the shoot was over instead of paying for a hotel, which is what they used to do. By the time she got back home she was going to be so sore and tired she vowed she wasn't going to get out of bed for a week.
                  "And…that's a wrap," the photographer said after he'd snapped the final picture. Sloane was so tired she could barely keep her eyes open.
                  "Fantastic job, ladies." Brendan, the guy who'd hired them for the photo shoot smiled brightly.
                  "Thank you," Candice said. "It was a lot of fun." Not really , thought Sloane. "These cars are gorgeous."
                  "Yes, they really are," Sloane agreed with a smile.
                  Brendan clapped his hands. "How would you ladies feel about hanging around an extra night or two? We're having a private show and auction tomorrow evening. I'd love to have you two be here to help present the cars, mingle with the VIPs."
                  Sloane and Candice glanced at each other, both knowing what the other was thinking.
                  "The magazine would cover the cost of your stay, and of course, you'd be paid for your services."
                  They spent the next twenty minutes negotiating payment. Then Candice said, "Would you mind giving us a moment?"
                  "No, of course not, take all the time you need," Brendan said. He walked over to where the photographer was and looked over his shoulder at the photos that were just taken.
                  "Well, what do you think?" Candice asked Sloane.
                  "I think we're being pimped out."
                  Candice laughed with disbelief. "Why on earth would you think that?"
                  Sloane rolled her eyes. "C'mon. We'll be paid for our services? He's offering an awful lot of money for what he described." The girls simply stared at each other for a few moments. They could really use the money. And taking a job like this at the last minute could do wonders for their reputations. Finally, Sloane said, "I'm not having sex with any old man car collector."
                  "Neither am I. If things get weird or out of hand, we leave. Simple as that," Candice said and Sloane agreed.
                  And that's how things went for them for the next couple of months. If there was an enthusiast group or expensive hobby, they

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