
Free Chartreuse by T. E. Ridener

Book: Chartreuse by T. E. Ridener Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. E. Ridener
         “Rowan..”  Elliott started, immediate remorse
in his voice.  “Rowan, Baby, I can—“
         “How could you?”  Rowan asked, his voice
breaking.  He swallowed hard, though that was painful to do.  He slumped
against the door frame.  “After two years, Elliott?  Two years…”  He turned and
hurried from the bedroom, staggering blindly down the hall as tears flooded his
cheeks.  But he caught the small voice of the red head. 
         “You’re gay?”  She asked, a bit shocked.
         He could hear the sound of Elliott’s bare feet
hitting the floor as he pursued him, but Rowan did not stop.  He was grabbing
up his shoes, wiping at his eyes angrily as he plopped down on the edge of the
couch for the briefest of moments, struggling to get his shoes on.
         And then Elliott was there, his hands on
Rowan’s shoulders as he pleaded with him.  “Baby, please don’t,” He said.  “I’m
so sorry.  I…Fuck.  I’m so sorry.  I’m stupid, okay?  She means nothing to me.”
         When Rowan finally had his shoes on, he put his
foot down hard before he glared up at Elliott.  It must have been a mean glare,
because Elliott backed off immediately.
         “She means nothing to you?” He asked.  “And I do?  You don’t do this to
someone you love, Elliott.  You don’t hurt them.  You don’t cheat on them.  And
you sure as hell do not bring home some girl to fuck in our bed.”
Elliott was quiet for a moment, and Rowan just stood there staring at him,
“Don’t give me that bullshit, Elliott.  If she meant nothing to you, she would
not be in our bed.  She would not be causing this to happen right now,” He was
crying again, voice threatening to give out on him all together.  He pointed
towards the door then, fingers trembling.  “I’m going to leave now.  And when I
come back, it will be to get my CD collection and the few outfits I have here.
I won’t come back to talk or work anything out.  This is done. We’re done.”
Elliott moved towards the door, and it apparently didn’t matter to him that he
was naked, and that he was glistening with sweat from his acts of infidelity,
“I’m not letting you leave,” He said, his blue eyes frantic.
“If you don’t move, Elliott,” He said lowly, “I will move you myself.”  He
picked up his jacket before he reach down for his keys.  “Unless you’ve forgotten
my six years of boxing,” He glanced up at him again, his jawline tight.  His
face was red and more tears were still trying to fall from his saddened brown
eyes.  The light had left them entirely, and Elliott would never see it there
because of him again.
“I’m so sorry,” Elliott whispered, brows furrowed.  “I love you so much,
Rowan.  I do.  It won’t happen again, I swear.”
Rowan moved closer to the door, reaching down to grip the knob as he gazed
right into Elliott’s eyes, their noses an inch apart as he wrinkled his own in
disgust.  “Once a cheater, always a cheater,” He whispered.  “We’re over.”
The words had a devastating effect on Rowan, and it seemed to be mutual as
Elliott moved away from the door, though tears were falling down his cheeks. 
“Rowan,” He whispered.  But it was too late.  Rowan slammed the door hard,
nearly leaping off the porch as he hurried to his car.  It was only after he’d
gotten inside and closed the door that everything crashed down onto him.  The
cruel realization that his forever had just brought their happiness to a
sickening halt.  It hurt like hell.
“Rowan?”  The sudden soft voice pulled him back out of his thoughts as he
looked straight into the very concerned eyes of Kasen.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Rowan rubbed at the bridge of his nose before he blinked,
offering a small smile.  “I uh, I guess I got caught up in my thoughts again. 

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