Oceans of Red Volume One

Free Oceans of Red Volume One by Willow Cross

Book: Oceans of Red Volume One by Willow Cross Read Free Book Online
Authors: Willow Cross
own power blended with that of the structure. 
    Armand watched as Ramses preened.  It was always like this with the warrior types.  Too much brawn, but so little brain.  Yes, they were the most powerful race on the planet, but power wasn’t everything.  Ingenuity and the ability to think fast would efficiently solve problems sooner than brute strength.  “If you’re finished strutting, there’s work to be done.”
    “Such as?”
    “Where did your vessel come from?  How many unfilled were with him?”
    Ramses gazed into the mirror over the fireplace , seemingly uninterested in Armand’s questions.
    Acting as if he were doing the other a great service, he turned and faced Armand.  “Just a few.  Not far from here in an old warehouse,” he answered.
    “Well get going.  Bring them in.”
    “How many do I take with me?”  Ramses asked.
    Laughing, Armand answered, “Infiltration is the key, Ramses.  You go alone.  What’s wrong?  Scared of a few humans?”
    Red faced, he muttered, “Fear isn’t one of my failings.  We could crush the resistance if those in charge had any competent war strategy.”
    The smile left Armand’s face.  “The Master has ordered it.  Do you wish to voice a complaint?”
    Ramses nearly snarled as he left the room.  The Master was a bitch that had forgotten her place.  When the true Master finally decided to get involved, it would be those like Ramses who seized power.  Then the others would pay.
    Hooded black-robed figures stood in a tight circle around an alter covered in red velvet.  In the center lay a blade pulsating with blue light.  Their voices rose and fell in unison singing in a long forgotten language.  Although they were in an underground cavern, a cold breeze began to rush around the alter causing the torches to flicker and dance.  As the singsong chanting reached its’ crescendo, each figure raised their right hand.  Green fire shot out from each outstretched palm to hover over the hilt before finally entering it.  The last bit of green integrated with the glowing blue and the blade turned crimson.
    “It is done,” Daelen said , removing his hood.
    “Blessed be,” t he others answered.
    He gently picked up the short sword and slid it into a sheath inside his cloak.  “One more imbuing session and the spell will be complete.”
    “And you believe this girl is the one we’ve been waiting for?  You’re certain?”  A deep voice questioned.
    Daelen faced the speaker across from him.  “I am certain.  After these many years, I’d given up hope.  She is the one.”
    “Blessed be,” a voice whispered.
    “Blessed be,” the others responded.
    Perched atop an abandoned warehouse in the business district, Shane and Remy waited for Greg’s return.  Shane had worked for hours bending Greg’s mind.  His memories were full of starvation and a small group of humans still hiding out in this district.  His prime objective was to return to these imaginary people.  Shane had taken great care to insure that anyone reading his mind would know that if he showed up with others, they would be shot on sight.  There was nothing left to do except wait and hope their plan would work.
    Shane’s body shuddered as she covered her mouth attempting to stifle a yawn.  Remy glanced at her holding an index finger to her lips.
    Shane linked to her older sister.  “ I’m trying!  I’m so tired.  One of us should sleep.  We could literally be here for days.”
    Remy nodded her head and made hand movements telling her to lie down behind a large cooling unit behind them.
    “ I can wait if you want to go first, ” she offered.
    The older girl answered with one quick shake of her head.  Shane shrugged and crawled across the roof top behind the rusty air conditioner. 
    Taking another peek over the side of the building and seeing nothing, Remy slid her back against the brick abutment, stretching her legs out in front of her.  She was

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