War Of The Wildlands

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Book: War Of The Wildlands by Lana Axe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lana Axe
expression and
asked, “Did something happen?”
    Yori was silent for a moment but finally answered,
“Yes, something did.” He drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly before
continuing. “I did meet a girl, but when she found out I was an elf, she had me
thrown in the dungeons. The prince himself released me on the condition I find
my father’s clan and learn to etch runes. He wants me to work for him.”
    Ren stood in stunned silence. This news was a bit
much to swallow all at once. Not only would he be losing his apprentice, but
the young man was setting out on a quest to fulfill the wishes of a prince. It
sounded far-fetched and highly improbable. Why would the prince take an
interest in a half-breed peasant?
    “The prince, you say,” Ren began. “He is
personally sending you on a mission?”
    “Yes,” Yori replied. “The sword you sent me to
deliver was for him. It was a gift. Lieutenant Perrin introduced me to the
prince, and when I got into trouble, the prince himself let me out of the
    Ren stared at him in disbelief. He wondered
briefly if the young man had suffered a head injury. Yori knew nothing of his
father’s clan or of runes. He did not even know that his father had in fact
been a very skilled rune carver.
    “What do you know of your father and his clan?”
Ren asked.
    “Very little,” Yori replied. “I know he was from
the Sycamore Clan, and he traded goods here in Enald where he met my mother.
That’s about it.”
    “He was a rune carver,” Ren stated flatly. “King
Domren had insisted he come to work for him, but your father refused. He would
not craft weapons that would be used against his people. His refusal is what
got him killed.”
    Yori silently absorbed the information his uncle
had given him. He was not aware that the king had any knowledge of his father,
or that he had demanded his father’s services as a weapon maker. Until now, he
had not even known his father was a smith.
    Ren spoke again despite Yori’s silence. “How could
the prince have known this when you didn’t?”
    Shaking his head, Yori replied, “I don’t think he
knew it at all. He complimented my work on the hilt of his sword and said I
would make a good rune carver. Until he found me in the dungeons, he had no
idea I had elven blood.”
    “You did excellent work on the sword, Yori. You
will make an exceptional rune carver one day. I only hope you are able to find
your father’s people in the Wildlands. It isn’t safe to travel there, and I
can’t give you any information as to their whereabouts.”
    Yori handed his uncle the purse full of coins the
lieutenant had paid him for the sword. Ren accepted the purse and handed a few
of the coins back to Yori. “The elves don’t deal in coin, but you’ve earned a
share of the profits.”
    Yori accepted the coins gratefully. “Thank you, Uncle.”
    Meladee, who had been observing their conversation
in silence, suddenly began to sob. “You can’t go away,” she said through her
tears. “Don’t leave, Yori.”
    Yori knelt once more to comfort the girl. “I have
to,” he began. “When the prince tells you to do something, you have to do it.
That’s just how it works, Meladee.” His green eyes looked at her apologetically.
She did not understand. All she knew was that her best friend was leaving her,
probably forever.
    Trella returned to the smithy, a basket filled
with cloth in her hands. Her eyes went immediately to the sobbing young girl.
Giving Ren an accusing glance, she reached down and picked her up. “What’s
wrong, my darling girl?” she asked. “Mama will make it better.”
    “Yori’s leaving again,” Meladee squeaked, burying
her face into her mother’s shoulder.
    “You’ve only just returned,” Trella said, looking
at Yori.
    “I know,” he replied, “but I can’t stay. I have
business to attend to on behalf of the prince.”
    Trella’s mouth dropped open slightly as she heard
his words. “Will you at least be

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