War Of The Wildlands

Free War Of The Wildlands by Lana Axe

Book: War Of The Wildlands by Lana Axe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lana Axe
    Reylana was regretting her injury more and more.
She disliked that her brother was moving the clan farther away, and that she
could not join in the fighting. Their clan Overseer had been killed when their
village was destroyed, and Reylin had stepped up quickly to take over command.
He had no desire to take the title, and he was too young for anyone to consider
giving it to him. However, they did need a leader during the war, and there
were few who could lead a battle better than him. Reylana sighed to herself,
wishing she was fit enough to travel alongside him.
    She gathered up the nuts and dried fruit she had
prepared for her journey and placed them inside a small pouch that hung from
her belt. Placing her sword on her back was difficult without the use of her
left arm. The sling still prohibited her movement, and she knew she wouldn’t be
able to swing the sword if she needed it. With only one hand, she couldn’t hope
to do more than clumsily bash someone with it. Still, it was better than no
defense at all. It was unlikely she would encounter a problem in the forests,
but she wouldn’t leave her sword behind. Eventually her arm would heal, and she
would be able to rejoin the fighting.
    Once she was ready to set out, she went looking
for Reylin. He was perched on a limb, busily crafting arrows for the fighting
    “I’m all set to leave,” she called up to him. Her
tree-climbing skills were quite awkward without the use of both arms, so she chose
to remain on the ground.
    Reylin hopped down from the branch and wrapped his
arms around his sister. “Be well, Sis,” he said. “Remember how much we need the
Sycamore Clan’s help. You have a very important task ahead of you.”
    “I doubt they’ll say no,” she said with certainty.
    “I can’t imagine they would,” he replied. “But if
they’ve been attacked, they may not be so easy to find. I have no idea how many
of them may be left. If their rune carver is dead, it’s up to you to find
someone else.”
    “I’ll do whatever I can,” she said. “I hope to see
you again soon.”
    Glancing back over her shoulder at what had once
been her village, Reylana’s eyes filled with tears. This had always been her
home, and she wondered if it ever would be again. Her life was changing too
quickly, and she yearned for the carefree days of her childhood. She missed her
parents and their wisdom. Things had always seemed simpler when they were
    A gentle mist began to fall over the forest, and
streaks of pale lightning illuminated the sky. The thunder drummed lazily
through the clouds as if it had no desire to be noticed. Reylin climbed back
into the trees and watched as his sister moved deeper into the dense forest,
disappearing within its protective cover. In her hands rested the hope of their
clan and all their kinsmen. Their only chance to survive this war depended on
the weapons she would secure for them.

Chapter 14
    A chill lingered
on the air as Yori arrived within sight of Enald. He stood at the edge of the
village and sighed quietly to himself. He was not looking forward to telling
Meladee that he would be leaving for good. Those soulful eyes of hers would no
doubt leave him feeling entirely guilty. She would not understand that he had
no choice in the matter. All she would know was that her dearest friend was
abandoning her for good.
    Mustering his courage, he continued into the
village and through the streets until he came at last to Ren’s smithy. Stepping
inside, he heard his uncle say, “Welcome back. You were gone a bit longer than
I expected.”
    Meladee rushed at him, throwing her arms around
his waist. “Where were you?” she asked accusingly.
    Yori knelt to her level and took her little hands
in his. “I’m sorry I didn’t come back right away,” he said.
    “You must have met a girl,” Ren said, grinning.
    “Sort of,” Yori replied, his gaze falling to the
    Ren noticed the change in Yori’s

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