She Walks the Line

Free She Walks the Line by Ray Clift

Book: She Walks the Line by Ray Clift Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ray Clift
Bad days getting to beat the good ones.’ He paused and said, ‘Jeez, I miss him and your songs, Suzie.’ He would not have known that Martin was with me on the other bar stool.

    Washington DC
    In the three-bedroom flat, the large man wearing the balaclava lay dead with his head twisted at an awkward angle. The owner of the flat, Suzie Smith, was busy at her fridge cutting up small goods and glanced furtively at the detectives.
    The detectives already had a statement from the neighbour who raised the first alarm and advised them, ‘Not much use trying to get anything from her. She’s gone gaga.’
    They realised the truth of the statement when Suzie disrobed and stood naked, urging them to sing with her the US national anthem. They looked inside the freezer and saw row upon row of frozen shoes and knew it was useless to interview her.
    The ambulance came and took her away while she smiled and waved at the police officers, who gazed own at the body, a man they recognised as Mark Marshall, recently released from the federal prison. They assumed a lot and saw a lot but were stuck for a motive as the owner, obviously a martial arts expert, judging from all the belts found in the flat, had broken his neck. He had certainly been an intruder and the case was closed.
    â€˜Stiff shit for him,’ said the CSI man named Johnathon.
    And Stan the detective agreed, hoping, after gaping at the well built naked woman, that his erection would soon subside.
    They were not aware that she had lured Marshall there with a form of entrapment after he stalked her. It was payback time after all the hurts she had suffered but first she had to put on aconvincing act of having dementia. The time would come later for her to pretend to be better for release
    Nine months later
    Suzie was on her walk back to the flat reflecting on the demise of Mark Marshall. She spoke to a spirit who claimed to be her double. For the sake of simplicity she called the spirit Number Two. However, Suzie was not in total agreement with the advice offered by Number Two. When the intruder broke in nine months ago, however, it was the only plan available and she always had confidence in Plan A.
    Suzie received some advice which she acted on regarding Mark Marshall. It was in-the-moment speech with the intruder.
    â€˜Number One calling. I hear footsteps outside.’
    â€˜Yes, Number One, this is Number Two speaking. Listen for the sound of broken glass right now.’
    â€˜Number One calling. I hear it right now. He’s here.’
    â€˜Watch out, Number One. He’s wearing a balaclava. Go into attack mode now .’
    â€˜Number One calling. What do I do again?’
    â€˜Jesus Christ, Number One, kick him in the balls. When he falls, rabbit chop his neck, OK.’
    â€˜Number One calling. It’s done. What now, Number Two?’
    â€˜Break his bloody neck. You’re trained do it. Now, Number One.’
    â€˜I heard the click. It’s done, Number Two. What now?’
    â€˜Number One to Number Two: I run next door and go into my gaga act like we agreed. They’ll call the cops. Is that right, Number Two?’
    Number Two did not answer.
    â€˜Number One calling again. Yes, it’s done. I hear the sirens coming, Number Two.’
    â€˜OK. Your last message was broken. When the cops come, make sure your boots are in the fridge and don’t forget, Number One, to put on the tape of the national anthem and drop your robe. You’re to be naked, remember, and get the cops to sing along with you. Conduct the choir with the tongs. That will nail it. You’ll go to a funny farm but only for nine months. It’ll all have blown over by then and you’ll be able to go back home. Got that OK, Number One?’
    â€˜Yes, Number Two. Should I talk to you in the home?’
    â€˜Number Two calling. Not actually recommended, with all the trick cyclists poking and prodding. OK, Number

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