Cam Jansen and the Graduation Day Mystery

Free Cam Jansen and the Graduation Day Mystery by David A. Adler

Book: Cam Jansen and the Graduation Day Mystery by David A. Adler Read Free Book Online
Authors: David A. Adler
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Text copyright © David Adler, 2011
    Illustrations copyright © Penguin Young Readers Group, 2011
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    ISBN : 978-1-101-54790-8

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For Eileen and David Lesnick.
Hi, neighbors!
    To Rachel: “CONGRATULATIONS, Grad!”

Chapter One
    â€œI’m so proud of Ben,” Mrs. Shelton said.
    â€œMe, too,” Eric Shelton told his mother. “I’m very proud of Dad.”
    Grandpa Shelton, Mrs. Shelton, Eric and his twin sisters Donna and Diane, and Cam Jansen were sitting on folding chairs. Eric’s baby brother Howie was there, too. He was sleeping on his mother’s lap. They were in a large open area in the middle of a college campus. A few thousand other people were there, too.
    â€œAre you sure Dad’s here?” Donna asked. “I don’t see him.”
    â€œI know he’s here,” Grandpa Shelton said. “I drove him here early this morning.”
    â€œHe wouldn’t miss his own graduation,” Mrs. Shelton said.
    â€œAnd he wouldn’t want to miss going to a restaurant to celebrate with us afterward,” Grandpa Shelton said.
    â€œHey, what’s taking so long?” a small boy sitting behind the Sheltons asked. “I’m hungry. I want something fun to do.”
    â€œOh, Harry,” his mother said. “Eat some animal crackers. Play with your toys.”
    The boy took some crackers and a toy train from a small shopping bag. He sat on the ground.
    â€œChoo! Choo!” he said as he pulled the train through the grass.
    â€œEric’s father has dreamed of this day for a long time,” Grandpa Shelton told Cam.
    He spoke softly. He didn’t want to wake Howie.
    â€œRight after he graduated from high school, he joined the army.”
    â€œThat’s where we met,” Mrs. Shelton said. “I was also in the army.”
    She closed her eyes and smiled. “Ben looked so handsome in his uniform. We got married as soon as we were discharged from the army. Then Ben got a job. He never had time for college.”
    â€œMe, too,”

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