Full Moon
    Michael began
pushing the logs around in the fire with a cast iron stick, trying
to get it to die down. “He’s an original of the Coven.”
    “ Coven?” I sounded like a parrot. It sounded like some vampire
story. Next he’d be telling me they existed as well.
    “ Kind of like royalty…original bloodlines. That’s another very
complicated story. There are not many of his kind. He’s extremely
powerful and much respected in our world. No one crosses him. He’s
monumental to all of us.” Michael shook his head, his hair falling
forward. “We really need to get back to the house. I didn’t take my
phone and Caleb’s bugging Grace now.”
    “ Fine.” I grabbed my shawl off the couch. “We’ll go, but
you’re driving slowly. I have a million questions.”
smiled. “I’ve a feeling they’re never going to end.” He killed the
fire and we left.
    My brain
wouldn’t stop humming as we drove. “If you and Grace were together
when you… when you…” I couldn’t finish the sentence. “Did Caleb
find you after?”
    Michael focused on the road, his tanned knuckles white as he
squeezed the wheel. “Sarah found us. We had no idea what was
happening, but she knew.” He was silent for a moment, either
concentrating on the stop light, or reliving what happened. He
cleared his throat. “Caleb met Sarah a bunch of years later, after
she’d adopted us. He saw her and immediately gave her his Siorghra . She did the
same without question. They were simply drawn to each other. Caleb
had been alone before he met her. She was his first.”
    I stared at my Spartacus sitting so close, but seeming from
another world. There was so much information to sort through. It
didn’t scare me, but rather fascinated me. It was like I’d been
waiting all my life for him. I’d never fit in anywhere and this all
made sense, like it was a part of me or my ancestry. I don’t know
why I felt the ties, but another part of me was horrified at the
thought. What I did understand: I wanted to wear Michael’s Siorghra more than
anything. It also made me wish I had one to give him.
    We pulled into the driveway and walked silently to the house.
Doubt began to fill my head. What if his family was angry I knew
their secret? What would Caleb say? Michael took my hand and pulled me closer to him
as we reached the front steps.
close, his silk skin touched mine and I groaned. “I need to change.
I can’t talk to your family wearing this.”
Michael led me straight upstairs.
    “ I gotta change, too.” He kissed my forehead and turned toward
his room. “Take your time. I’ll meet you downstairs.”
    I walked into Grace’s empty room. Changing into a pair of
jeans and plain long sleeve top, I kept Michael’s Siorghra on and slipped
it inside my shirt. Time to head into the
lion’s den.
    First, I
needed to pee. I slipped into the bathroom.
    “ You okay?”
    I nearly
jumped ten feet when Grace spoke. I switched light on. She sat on
the counter, her bare feet swinging in the air.
    “ You scared the heck out of me!” My heart felt ready to
explode, and there she sat, all chipper and smiley. “Why’re you
sitting in the bathroom, in the dark?” I punched her
    “ Wasn’t sure if Michael would come in the room too. Didn’t
know if you needed some privacy.” Grace tilted her head. “Sooo, you
know our dirty little secret.”
    “ Kinda.”
    She slid off
the counter and staring at me. Then suddenly she lunged at me and
swung her arms around me, hugging me tight. It was a moment before
she let go and it took me a moment longer to catch my breath. “I
knew you were special the moment I saw you. I knew you’d totally
get it.”
    “ You’re crazy. Even nuttier for putting the Siorghra on me.” I
touched the necklace, loving the feel of it but not wanting to
admit it.
    “ You needed to know. I figured Michael would tell you tonight
if I did. I’ve no idea how, but you’re involved in this

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