Promise Me

Free Promise Me by Monica Alexander

Book: Promise Me by Monica Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Monica Alexander
Macroeconomics, a class that will surely knock your socks off with its vast and exhilarating content. We have an action-packed semester ahead of us. Christina and Felicia, two other TAs who are at your disposal for questions and such, are handing out the class syllabus. And just so I don’t get into trouble for not telling you this, if you weren’t already aware, this class is being recorded.”
    He gestured to the back of the room, so I turned and saw a camera pointed right at him.
    “That’s right. We are live, and that’s because this class is also available to stream online, just in case you can’t manage to get out of bed at what I’m sure most of you would consider an ungodly hour. But don’t worry. Those of you who do come each day won’t be recorded as long as you don’t raise your hand and ask a question. The camera sees Professor Hall only. Everyone else is relatively invisible until they speak up. So keep that in mind as you make any comments or pose any questions.”
    “Awesome news! Thanks for letting us know!” Micah shouted, and the girls he was with giggled.
    As soon as he said that, I knew it would be the last time I’d see him and his friends there. They’d no doubt stream the class for the whole semester. I knew I’d come in person, though. I wanted the facetime with the professor, and I wanted to have access to the TAs in case I had questions about the material.
    Reddick smiled. “I had a feeling there would be a few of you that would find that news exciting. Keep in mind, though, that we will have three exams throughout the semester that you will have to come in person to take. If you’re not here, you’ll get a zero. All other days of the semester, you can choose to learn the material however you see fit. But for those of you who decide to come to class each day, plan to have some real fun.”
    “More fun than if we watch the lecture online?” the brunette with Micah’s roommate asked.
    “Why yes. What could be better than getting the 3-D experience of Dr. Hall’s lectures?”
    The class laughed. At least this guy was entertaining, even if he wasn’t the professor.
    I looked down as the guy next to me tossed a stack of syllabi onto my small desk. I took one and passed it to the girl on my other side, looking down at it in excitement. I was such a nerd. I’d always loved school way too much. Maybe it was because it had been an escape for me, a place where I could be a kid and just learn without the responsibilities I’d faced at home, but it had always been something I’d found joy in.
    Reddick continued to talk for a few more minutes, and then he introduced Professor Hall. As soon as the professor stepped to the front of the room, I sat up straighter and got ready to take notes. I didn’t want to miss anything that might be relevant on the exams Reddick had mentioned. Three of them meant that each one would be worth roughly twenty-five percent of our grade, with the other twenty-five percent coming from a series of essays we’d complete throughout the semester. That was a lot of weight per test, and if I didn’t do well on one of them, I’d be screwed. I’d have to make sure that didn’t happen.
    As class ended, everyone around me got to their feet and proceeded to file out. I was planning to scoot out of the room before Micah and his crew got their things together, but unfortunately I got held up by a guy in my row who had to tie his shoe.
    As I waited to exit the row, I heard, “Hey neighbor.”
    I knew it was Micah, but I ignored him, pretending like I didn’t know he was talking to me.
    “Ka-ate,” he said then, dragging my name out like it was two syllables. “Kate, Kate, Kate. Hey Kate. Hi Kate!”
    I sighed, gritted my teeth and turned to him, acting like I was surprised to see him. “Micah, hi. How are you?”
    “So good. You?” he asked as he reached where I was standing and let me step out in front of him in the aisle. Such a gentleman.
    “I’m doing

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