The Billionaire Single Dad

Free The Billionaire Single Dad by Mandy Baxter

Book: The Billionaire Single Dad by Mandy Baxter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mandy Baxter
Carter’s breath came in shallow pants and his fist contracted and relaxed over the tangle of hair he held in his grip. He wanted to go deeper, as far as she could take him but he held back the urge to thrust hard and deep. His head lolled back to rest on the couch and he let out a shuddering breath as she once again pulled away until only the head was sucked into her mouth. She nibbled the sensitive flesh with her teeth and Carter let out an almost violent chuff of air.
    â€œDid I hurt you?”
    The concern in her voice caused his gut to knot up. “No,” he said on a laugh. He brought his head up to look at her. Her wide blue eyes were guileless and a furrow marred her smooth brow. “It felt so good I damned near left my body.”
    A brilliant smile curved her lips. They were blushed and swollen and so goddamned inviting that he nearly yanked her up just so he could kiss her until they were even more flushed. Her expression turned coy as she sealed her mouth over him and bit again with just enough pressure to send a jolt down his shaft. His sac tightened and tingled and his thighs shook. He was already so close to the edge, it wouldn’t take much for her to push him completely over it.
    No longer teasing, Tess squeezed the base of his cock as she sucked him deep and hard. She worked her mouth over his shaft as though she was just as hungry for this as he was. The condom package fell from his grasp as his other hand came up to wind into her hair.
    â€œDon’t stop, Tess.” Her cheeks hollowed as she took him deep and Carter moaned. “That’s it. Just like that. I’m close.”
    His words seemed to fuel her as Tess continued to take him deep into her mouth. The glide of her lips, the light scrape of her teeth, the wet heat, tight suction, it was almost more than he could take. His grip tightened in her hair and Tess let out a slow moan that vibrated against his shaft. Carter’s gut clenched and every muscle in his body went rigid.
    â€œI’m there, Tess.” He could barely breathe through the intense pleasure, let alone speak, but he wanted to give her fair warning. Instead of pulling away like he assumed she would, Tess took him deeper. The head of his cock met the back of her throat and Carter shuddered as the orgasm hit him hard and fast. Wave after wave of pleasure crested over him, each pulse more powerful than the last. His moans were ragged, raw in his throat as he pumped his hips and thrust between Tess’s soft lips. Emotion swelled within him, and Carter pushed it away, forbidding himself from forming any sort of connection through this moment. To her.
    But lord, she was amazing. He suspected that however hard he tried to keep his emotions disconnected from this moment—this day spent with her—that Tess would find a way to worm into his heart anyway. He had nothing to compare this moment to and it was as freeing as it was terrifying. Carter didn’t think he could experience anything with another woman that he wouldn’t somehow try to compare to Steph. But like Steph, Tess was one of a kind. Incomparable.
    Carter settled back into the couch. Tiny spasms rocked his too-tight muscles and his cock still throbbed from the orgasm. Tess leaned back, a dreamy smile playing on her lips. Her eyes were still dark with passion and her nipples were tight little beads atop the generous swell of her breasts. Her strawberry-blonde hair was tossed and wild from his grip. She was sex personified. Beautiful. Sensual. Carter was still hard as stone. He might’ve just come, but his body was ready to go again.
    For a long moment they stared at each other. Carter’s breath heaved in his chest. He smiled as he noted the dried sage green pain on her face and arms. He devoured Tess with his gaze and he committed to memory the delicate column of her throat, the roundness of her breasts, the flush on her skin, and the way her waist curved into the flare of

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