The Man of my Dreams

Free The Man of my Dreams by Gladys Quintal

Book: The Man of my Dreams by Gladys Quintal Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gladys Quintal
as his own, softly running his hands up her leg to the edge of her dress. He had waited so long for her and he was literally aching for her now. His hand slid under her dress.
    He could take her now while she was unconscious just once to ease the throbbing. He pondered on the thought for a while. He needed it so much, but it would ruin everything if he was to relieve himself now. The build-up was incredible and the release would be amazing once they were finally together. No, he would stick to the plan no matter how much he wanted to make love to her right there and then. Self-control was the key to true happiness and fulfillment. He stood up and walked back into the kitchen. Get your mind back on dinner. Dessert is for later!
    Cassie was terrified. She could feel this stranger’s hands touching her and felt him kiss her. Please don’t let him rape me or take my baby, she thought. But he hadn’t tried to rape her. He'd left again and gone back to the kitchen. What was he planning to do, then, and how was she going to escape? She could smell the food and had to admit she was starving. She hadn’t been eating a lot lately and the lovely aromas coming from the kitchen mixed with fear had made her stomach feel very empty.
    Her only chance was to go along with whatever little fantasy he'd cooked up. She wasn’t strong enough to fight him off and would go along with it, all the while trying to figure out a way out. She could move her toes! The drug must be starting to wear off. Her heart was pounding but she had to try and stay calm and clear headed if she was to get out of this alive.
    Slowly her body was waking up. She could open her eyes, although she still felt really groggy. She lay there a while looking around the room. She was lying on a couch in a small room. She could see a kitchen with a man busily working away and to the left a small table and chairs with candles burning. The man had his back to her and she could see that he had blond hair and was tall and muscular. He was singing away and looked very domesticated with his apron on.
    He turned and saw her looking at him. He clapped his hands together and smiled. He was very attractive with big blue eyes and a very white smile. He rushed over to where she was lying.
    “You’re finally awake!” He said sitting down beside her on the couch. “Hungry?” he asked, holding out one of his hands for her to take.
    Cassie forced a smile.
    “Starving,” she said taking his hand and he beamed that beautiful smile back at her.
    Cassie noticed that although his features were perfect and his eyes very blue and very pretty, there was nothing behind them. His smile never reached his eyes. She felt a shudder but let him lead her to the table. She was a little unsteady on her feet, but he held her up effortlessly and almost carried her to her seat. He was very strong and she knew it wouldn't be easy to escape.
    “You sit here, my love, and I will go and get your dinner. Tonight you are my queen and I'm here to serve you,” he announced gallantly, taking her hand, kissing it, and then heading back to the kitchen.
    Cassie hoped like hell he was just some nut job who wanted a pretty dinner companion, but deep down she knew her life was in danger.
    Just try and stay calm, she thought. Don’t show fear and maybe he won’t attack . . . or did that tactic only work on wild animals?
    Her instincts told her that if she just kept her wits about her she would survive. Humour him and let him wait on me, if that is what he wants .
    She was hungry after all!

Chapter 17
    Dreams of a Future
    Cassie still felt very weak and knew she wouldn't be anywhere strong enough to escape her captor. She was trying very hard to stay calm and in control. The slightest slip up and she knew things could become a whole lot worse. He was clearly insane and very handsome with almost perfect features, but not an inkling of an emotion showed anywhere on his face. Psychopath or sociopath? She wasn’t sure

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