Lady Brittany's Love

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Authors: Lindsay Downs
her thanks?” Samuel asked.
    “Certainly, m’ lord. If I’m not mistaken we will find Lady Brittany and Her Ladyship in the family parlor.”
    With a gracious wave of his hand Samuel directed Aggie to lead. As he followed the maid to the first floor Eli stepped from his office. Considering the excitement expressed by Brittany it didn’t surprise Samuel seeing the earl waiting for him.
    “M’ lord, it would seem your selection has been received quite well. Now would you care to inform me as to the trinket?”
    “Only a simple necklace which she might wish to wear at the Christmas ball,” he declared, as they strolled down the corridor to the sitting room.
    Entering, Samuel saw a beaming smile from Brittany. From what he could tell, from her action she wished to leap into his arms, but decorum prevented her doing so.
    “Countess, always a pleasure,” he said, bowing over her hand. Next, he turned his focus to Brittany and laid a soft grin on her.
    “M’ lady, you dashed out of the library so quickly, pray tell what was the reason for your sudden departure,” he asked, with a teasing tone to his words.
    “Lord Samuel, you are infuriating. You know fully well what had and still has me excited, almost to the point of being speechless.”
    “I’m pleased to hear you’re not, speechless that is.” Again he goaded her.
    The stabbing glare she tried to set on him made Samuel want to chuckle but he knew better than to as it would only make her furious. Of course, he did appreciate the way her nose crinkled when she was mad. Again, something he chose not to mention for fear of his wellbeing.
    “This beautiful necklace will be perfect for the upcoming ball at the estate,” she announced to him and her father as she displayed the opened case.
    He heard a gasp from not only her father but he suspected another from the countess. He knew they approved of his selection, which made Samuel proud.
    “Brockworth, now I understand why you wished to keep it a secret from us and I commend you on your decision,” Eli told him, and received a nod of approval from the countess.
    “M’ lord, what on earth ever possessed you to obtain such a beautiful piece of jewelry?” Brittany asked, patting the cushion beside her on the settee so he’d sit with her.
    “I would love to hear the reason also,” Barbara urged.
    “I will explain, but first and my apology for what I’m about to say. Is there a possibility one of the staff might be passing information along to Hersey?”
    He wasn’t surprised when after a few heartbeats Eli answered. “No. Everyone here has been with us and in some cases my parents before us for years. I would trust them with my life,” he declared.
    “Again, I’m sorry but the question needed to be asked as I suspect you all were wondering the same thing,” he replied, then took his seat beside Brittany.
    “Now, m’ lord, we are waiting to learn the meaning for this precise trinket?”
    With a relaxed grin Samuel directed his attention to Brittany.
    “As I will be visiting the estate for the Christmas season and the ball I needed something which would set the tone for you, m’ lady. What would do better than a necklace of alternating rubies and emeralds? Both of which, considering their colors, are associated with the holiday. Then, this afternoon on seeing you, Lady Brittany, in that gown I knew I’d made the proper choice. Does that answer your questions?”
    “For me, yes. However, I will need a new ball gown.”
    “Then, that’s the perfect venue to pass the book to Lady Wallace. When you visit your dressmaker invite her to join you. Cole, if I’m not mistaken, will accompany her as he tends to dote on her every whim,” Samuel explained.
    “Yes, and if I was to hide the tome under my pelisse no one will be the wiser,” Brittany added.
    “And since I feel comfortable in saying this, I should come along as well since I’m sure—” he cocked his head to the side where Eli was sitting.

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