Lady Brittany's Love

Free Lady Brittany's Love by Lindsay Downs

Book: Lady Brittany's Love by Lindsay Downs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lindsay Downs
she’ll wait very long as she seems overwrought about something,” the butler stated.
    “Thank you.” Then returned his gaze to Eli, “Bemming, with your permission, I’ll withdraw and lay my attention to Lady Brittany.”
    “Brockworth, I look forward to hearing what happens with this meeting,” Eli said with a sly grin.
    Samuel knew things would be interesting since he’d pointedly mentioned what he’d planned. Not completely familiar with one particular aspect of courting a lady he’d sought out advice from Eli and had selected a necklace for Brittany. Wanting to keep the gift a bit of a secret until he presented it, he’d not said any more. He looked forward to seeing her reaction first which would happen very soon, that thought made him slightly nervous.
    Mentally squaring his shoulders he strolled from his host’s office and downstairs to the library.
    Stepping in he saw the object of his affection already thumbing through the book and jotting down a few notes. What he found interesting Aggie, not the countess, would be their chaperone.
    “Good afternoon, m’ lady,” he said, announcing his presence then nodded to her lady’s maid.
    “M’ lord, I hope you don’t mind, but I started in trying to decipher the handwritten notes,” she uttered.
    “Not at all. Have you been able to make any sense of them?” he asked, taking the seat beside her, then gently brushed his hand over hers. Again, he could feel the same warm tingle at the tips of his fingers as he’d previously experienced.
    Studying her face he could tell she had the same emotional reaction to his touch, one of pleasant contentment.
    “No, I haven’t which continues to puzzle me. I thought of suggesting we look at them from another direction. We both agree many of the comments are in the section devoted to Nigeria. What if we compare them to a map of the area? That way we might find a pattern thus the key to solving the mystery,” Brittany declared.
    “Lady Brittany, I do believe you might be on to something with that tact. If you’ll show me where the map section is I’ll hunt down the one we require.”
    “Thank you for the kind offer, but as they will be most likely buried under others it would be easier for me to collect the folder,” she announced, then stood which brought him to his feet.
    Samuel studied the elegant sway of her hips as the gown swirled around her, while she gracefully swept down the main aisle of the library toward the far end. Even a slight cough of annoyance coming from Aggie didn’t distract him. This he realized would be the perfect time to present her with his little token of devotion.
    With a glare to Brittany’s maid, he withdrew the long thin deep blue velvet box from the inside pocket of his jacket. Carefully, he placed case in front of her seat. Glancing up on hearing her return he smiled seeing a large folder clutched to her breasts. Always the gentleman, he rushed to her aid.
    “Please, m’ lady, allow me to take the bundle,” he begged, holding his hands out. With a nod from her, he accepted the package and waved her past him. Now, with her hands free she’d be able to easily open the present. He wondered what her reaction would be, hopefully one of excitement and joy.
    Intentionally, he slowed his steps as she turned the corner to their work area. On hearing her cry out in happiness, he smiled, then glanced to Aggie only to be almost bowled over as Brittany rushed past him. Before he knew what happened she disappeared out the door. With a puzzled look he turned to her maid.
    “M’ lord, I didn’t see what got my mistress so excited but I can assure you she was pleased. If I don’t miss my guess she’s rushing to show Her Ladyship the gift you presented her with, quite surreptitiously I might add,” Aggie pleasingly told him.
    Setting the folder down, he turned to the maid and smiled.
    “Would you be as kind as to show me where Lady Brittany rushed off to so I might be the recipient of

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