Divided Worlds Trilogy 01 - Disconnect
couldn’t deny his concern. Never had Zachary wanted somebody to bother him as much as Rosa.
    Both scavengers looked out to the crumpled mess known as The Island where the most lethal gases and liquids accumulated from the Wastelands. It had no light or indication of life except occasional flickers of movement.
    “Don’t breathe in too much,” advised Zachary. “It’ll sting your lungs for days.”
    “I feel like I know everything there is to know about District Two.”
    That didn’t surprise Zachary. During their joint scavenging, he’d found the recruit’s curiosity eye-opening. It’d made Zachary appreciate Underworld more. Stained and lacking of flowers as it was, Underworld was their home.
    District Four was known for its sense of pride; residents behaved with trust and less suspicion. But were the women different?
    “Can I ask about your sister?” Zachary asked, which made Diego’s eyelids twitch. “I don’t want to know what’s wrong with her. That’s your business.”
    “Yeah, and it’s complicated.”
    Zachary swallowed. “Is she like you?”
    A thin film of water surfaced on the recruit’s eyes. “She’s better than me. She’s your age. She’s never put a foot wrong, except life just …” He thumped his palm onto his fist. “Why do you ask?”
    Zachary sidestepped across the ledge. “I thought you could tell me more about girls. Do they always get ratty with the smallest thing?”
    “Girls are like puzzles. They can like you and hate you at the same time. You’ll never know them until they know you. It’s better talking to an android. At least you can turn them off.” The recruit’s smirk tapered. “Do you know if they found any more androids like the one that Shekhar had?”
    “I don’t think so. Nobody’s owned up to handing it in.” Zachary felt Diego’s uneasy breath. “Are you okay?”
    “Yeah – yeah – no. Androids with skin. It’s not allowed. They’re not meant to replicate humans. If you create something as real as that, then you’re messing with social order.”
    “I don’t follow?” Zachary motioned along the ledge to the banks leading back to the higher ground of the Wastelands.
    “Imagine if androids were created to look like you and me. Imagine them walking amongst us. How would you know?”
    Zachary pointed up. “They do walk around. It wouldn’t surprise me if half of Overworld was bolts and cogs.”
    The recruit gave a half-hearted nod. “Yeah – forget it. I’m over-thinking it.”
    Diego’s boot smashed through the bank’s hard waste. He retched at the exploding reek. Sucking in his breath, Zachary hooked an arm around the recruit and pulled him free.
    Scraping the heel of his boot along the ground, Diego said, “And another thing, I can’t stop thinking of the papers. They’re threatening Districts One to Four. Do you still think that the other Districts will stop people from entering?”
    “You should know. You’re from there. The further north you go, the cleaner the air and the better the homes. Nobody’s allowed to go north without permission. Down, but never up.”
    Diego licked his upper lip. “I’ll be leaving soon, to check that my family are okay.”
    “No – soon.”
    Zachary understood the recruit’s concern. “Well, when you realise it’s all a joke, make sure you come back, and if my mood is right, I’ll let you join my team again.”
    “Your team?” sniggered Diego. “Without me, there’s only you.”
    The sudden vibration in Zachary’s jean pocket surprised him. Rolling onto his feet, his words spluttered out with haste. “I just remembered, I need to be somewhere.”
    Diego’s bolted upright. “Where? Like last time?”
    The vibrating stopped. It’d be a matter of minutes before another call. What if she assumed that his non-answer was a sign of him wiping the memory?
    “A girl. I’m going to see her,” said Zachary.
    “I knew it.” Diego clapped. “Who is

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