Free DX by Carolyn Jewel

Book: DX by Carolyn Jewel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carolyn Jewel
skin. He placed her on the pillows next to him. He leaned over her, his hair a veil of black. His body lowered over hers, and he kissed her gently, tenderly, as if afraid of hurting her, as if she were the most precious thing in the world. One hand moved from her belly to the waist of her pants. Her breath hitched. They’d talked about her being his mate, and she’d realized that must encompass a sexual relationship, but, she hadn’t equated that with his wanting her like this. It scared her, the depth of his feelings for her.
    The thing was, she’d wanted him long before this. Her desire wasn’t anything new. He was dark, she felt his otherness, qualities she happened to like in a man, and now he was also driving her out of her mind with longing. He wasn’t just in contact with her body, either. His mind and his will, the dark and maleficent essence of him, was inside of her, feeding her and taking her inexorably toward pleasure.
    He slid down her zipper. One tug, and her pants were half way off. His fingers brushed her bare skin on the way down her legs and again on the way back, a slow, languorous upward caress. The entire time he was doing that, he kissed her, and his mouth was soft and gentle. This wasn’t like before when they’d been headed for sex, back there in the Lower. This time, he was going to make love to her. Jaden, a Bak-Faru demon, darkest of the dark demons, was going to put his body inside hers, and she was going to welcome him.
    Jaden hooked a finger in the waist of her panties. Her white cotton low rider briefs went sailing off to wherever her pants went, and Jaden touched her there, a gentle brush, an electrifying flick. Her breath came in ragged huffs. She was trying to catch up to what had just happened to her, but sensations she didn’t understand flooded her, thoughts that weren’t hers, alien feelings that caught her up, and then there was his skin, hot beneath her fingers, the scent of him, something dark and mysterious and beyond arousing. His fingers curved around her hips and his chest slid along her skin, his thigh brushed her legs. With nimble hands, he unhooked her bra. She watched his eyelids flutter closed while he touched her. His mouth was hot on her breast, her shoulder, her belly, and then between her legs, his tongue slow, the pressure almost unbearable. She tangled her fingers in his hair, urging him on. With Tuan, she’d never been able to entirely lose her restraint, but with Jaden, she had no restraint at all. She shattered within moments.
    His mouth came off her to be replaced by his fingers and a moment later his arm went around her waist, moving her further up the mound of pillows. His body followed. Black hair fell around her, onto her shoulders and against her cheeks. “Beautiful,” he said, but once again, she didn’t know if he’d spoken out loud or in her head. “You’re beautiful, Hell.”
    He rolled to one side and worked at his pants. Golden-bronze skin stretched over muscle, and she felt weak when she saw his naked body. She put a hand to his chest, and he stilled while she touched him. Inside, she quivered with desire. Heat centered in her belly and between her legs. His body was perfect for her, everything about him aroused her. His penis was erect, and she was dying to touch him there, dying to have that inside her.
    As if he’d read her mind, and maybe he had, Jaden pulled himself over her, naked, his fevered skin sliding over hers like warm silk. “Beautiful Hell, you’re the first,” he said.
    Her heart did a jitter step. “What?”
    “I have never mated with a human female.” He kept one hand propped on the pillows while the other slithered down her side to her hip and then to the back of her thigh, lifting her leg so he was cradled closer to her body. “I have heard many things about human women.” His penis strained against her belly, and she pressed against him. Jaden’s mouth curved in a whole new smile. “I have heard you are cold

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