Tender Touch
shifted back to the subject of the young man Eddie was concerned
about. He didn’t like the way his friend was probing so close to
the sensitive area of his erotic bone-shaking response to the
enticing Jade Pellerin.
    Eddie’s face transformed into a grimace of
worry. “He hasn’t been to school in two weeks. And a police officer
picked him up in a neighborhood after a woman reported a suspicious
man peering into windows.”
    “Peeping Tom charge?”
    “Nah, it was during the day when most of the
residents were at work. He was probably getting ready to burglarize
those houses.” Eddie shook his head. “That’s what he’s been
arrested for at least ten times.”
    “Man, he’s heading straight for a long
prison sentence one day. When he turns sixteen, they can charge him
as an adult.” Damon had seen the same pattern countless times in
his work with troubled teens.
    “The thing that gets me is how sharp this
kid is. He has so much potential.” Eddie looked at the clock on the
wall. “Twenty to ten. I better get a move on if I’m going to be in
Judge Taylor’s court on time.” He got up to leave just as the door
    “Mr. Simon, Ms. Pellerin is here to see
you.” Eddie’s secretary, Tisha, stood in the door.
    “Show her into my office. Thanks,” Eddie
    “Come on in, ma’am,” Tisha said a few
seconds later.
    Damon smoothed his jacket, tugged at his tie
and adjusted the cuffs of his shirt all in quick succession. He was
thrown off balance by the rapid arrival of the disturbing female
presence whose effect on him he’d been unable to neutralize. Damon
stopped in the act of patting his hair when he glanced up to see
Eddie grinning at him.
    “Let’s go,” Damon snapped softly as he
brushed past him.
    Eddie was still smiling when he extended a
hand to Jade. “Morning, Ms. Pellerin.”
    Jade went breathless for a split second at
the sight of Damon right behind Eddie. One thing she had to admit,
he wore a suit like few other men could. The charcoal gray wool
fabric was set off very well by the colors of dark red, blue and
gray in his silk tie and the light blue shirt. Jade felt a warm
flood of pleasure at seeing him. His deep voice turned up the
    “Good morning.” Damon reached out a large
hand to her also.
    Jade took his hand and felt her body begin
to melt at the touch of satin flesh. “Hello” was all she could
    Did her voice actually crack and shake? Did
they notice? When Eddie turned to offer her a chair, she felt weak
with relief. Maybe she had not made an utter fool of herself. Jade
squared her shoulders and took control... she hoped.
    “I’m afraid something urgent has come up.
One of the young people we’re working with has a court hearing this
morning. I feel I have to be there,” Eddie said.
    “I see. Well, if you’d rather we
reschedule...” Jade was careful not to look at Damon.
    “No, no. I’ve asked Mr. Knight to give you
the grand tour. I’m sorry I won’t be able to stay and show you
around.” Eddie watched her closely.
    Jade sensed this was a test of some sort by
the searching look he gave her. She affected a cool, professional
demeanor. “I certainly understand, Mr. Simon. But really, I can
come another time. I know Mr. Knight had other obligations today.”
He isn’t having silly daydreams about seeing you again. He’s here
only out of necessity, so snap out of it.
    “Not at all. Today is just fine. I’ve made
more than adequate arrangements with my employees,” Damon put
    “Then you’re all set, right?” Eddie looked
from Jade to Damon.
    “Yes,” Jade said with a nod. She finally
looked at Damon again. She was already tired at the thought of
struggling to hide her strong physical reaction to the man for the
next couple of hours. “I appreciate this, Mr. Knight.”
    Eddie’s dark eyes held a glint of mischief.
“Listen to us. We’re being so formal. I’m Eddie. May we call you
Jade?” He included Damon in his

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