Empire of Bones
or thrown into various corners of our solar system. One of the things we found was an Osborne-Levinson Bridge scanner from one of the combatants.”
    The older man turned as though he expected there to be a white board behind him and looked frustrated that there wasn’t one. He crossed his arms across his chest. “During the intervening years we determined its function and replicated it. Once we got into space, we refined that technology even further.
    “A young theoretical cosmologist at our university recently reviewed our prevailing understanding about flip points and developed a competing theory which allowed for the possibility of weaker flip points.”
    Jared nodded. “And you updated the probes with that in mind. Got it. Do you think the pre-Fall Empire knew about these weak flip points?”
    The scientist shrugged. “We have no way to know for sure. Does it matter if they did?”
    “I suppose not. What does this theory say about these weaker flip points? Are they safe to use? Do they go shorter distances?”
    “The theory is too untested for those details to be more than educated guesses. We should be able to calculate how strong the flip points are, at least with enough certainty to guess at their safeness. My personal feeling is that they lead to closer systems, but we won’t know until we send a probe through.”
    Jared nodded. “Get your people working on refining the data for this particular flip point. We need to have a better understanding before I decide if it’s safe to attempt using it.”
    The scientist nodded sharply. “I have people working on that right now, Captain. I should have some observations by the time we get there. At the very least, I should have much more refined scan data. I suggest we meet tomorrow morning to discuss this in person.”
    “That sounds like a plan, Doctor. We’ll see you on Best Deal at 0900.”
    The older man nodded. “We’ll be ready, Captain.”
    The transmission ended abruptly. Kelsey redirected her attention to Jared. “Are you planning on using it?”
    He turned in his seat. “Perhaps. Its unusual nature means I’ll at least send a probe through to take some readings. If the other side looks interesting and it seems safe, I’ll consider exploring it.”
    He rose to his feet. “Charlie, get second shift to take over for the evening. We need to get a good night’s sleep if we expect to have any chance of understanding what the good Doctor tells us.”
    “Aye, sir.”
    Jared turned to Kelsey. “Would you care to join me for dinner in the officer’s mess?”
    She unbuckled her restraint and stood. “I’d like that. Today’s been a long, productive day and I’m famished.”
    The officer’s mess couldn’t hold more than two dozen people, and even so, it was only a quarter full. A crewmember in a white apron came over to their table. “Captain, Ambassador.” He set out water for them. “The mess is serving some excellent fish tonight. I’d recommend it.”
    She nodded and Jared followed her example. Once the man was gone, she looked over at her half-brother. “Is the food here different from what the enlisted eat? I’ve been eating there.”
    “No. Some ships have entirely separate messes, but I’ve always believed that officers and enlisted should eat the same food. Most ships in Fleet are that way. The only reason we have separate messes is so the crew doesn’t feel like the officers are watching them when they’re off duty. In fact, Athena’s officers eat in the crew’s mess once a week and on special occasions.”
    He took a sip of his water and smiled. “I have to admit that you’ve surprised the hell out of me today. You’ve always been so reserved. I had no idea you could play cards with the marines on their own terms.”
    “They were a little leery at first, but I think I’ve won them over. The Imperial Guards at the palace taught me well. They recruit from inside the Imperial Marines, you know. Frankly, I really enjoy being

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