Someone Someday (All in Good Time Book 2)

Free Someone Someday (All in Good Time Book 2) by Brooke St. James

Book: Someone Someday (All in Good Time Book 2) by Brooke St. James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brooke St. James
on the other end of your hook if I didn't have pads to catch it with." That sort of compliment made me excited. I loved hooks and felt like I was getting better at them. It made me happy to have him notice. "Really?" I asked. "I love hooks."
    "I can tell," he said. "You tear 'em up, girl."
    We unwrapped our hands and walked to the parking lot together. One of the coaches, a guy named Nick, was standing near a truck. It was brand new and fitted with every available custom feature. I'd never seen it in the parking lot before, and figured it was Nick's new ride. He was standing there with another guy, someone I noticed earlier when he and Nick came into boxing class to watch. It was pretty common for the coaches to come in with perspective students and watch for a few minutes. I wasn't really paying much attention, but it seemed like Nick and this guy had stayed for quite a while—maybe about half the class. I remember glancing over there several times to find that they were still there.
    "Thanks for partnering with me," I said to Jason as we came close to my car.
    He motioned toward his motorcycle. "Wanna take a ride? I have an extra helmet."
    I shook my head, but before I could give voice to my refusal, Nick spoke from the place where he and the stranger were standing about five cars down.
    "Hey Lexi, come here for a second, I wanted to introduce you to my friend," Nick called.
    That seemed slightly out of character for him. Everyone at the gym was really nice, but Nick and I had never really gotten to know each other, so it was slightly odd for him to call me over like that.
    Jason let out a groan like he was annoyed. "That guy," he said under his breath.
    I looked at him with a curious expression.
    "He thinks he's God's gift," he said, still mumbling where they couldn't hear.
    "Who Nick?" I whispered.
    "No, that other guy. Morgan Turner." Jason rolled his eyes. "He trains here about half the year. He sucks."
    I sent him a surprised look for such an off the wall, rude comment. This guy Morgan happened to be extraordinarily handsome, and I figured Jason must feel threatened by him or something.
    "I'm sure he doesn't suck ," I whispered. I changed directions to head to where Nick was standing.
    "He does suck," he said.
    "Well, maybe you should help him out," I said. I continued walking over to the spot where Nick and Morgan were standing, and to my surprise Jason followed me.
    I walked up to the two guys, and Jason came to stand right next to me. I knew I was covered in sweat and my face was red from exertion, but there was nothing I could do about it. I always French-braided my own hair for class, and I was sure after a workout like that, it was coming loose and I probably had little pieces of hair sticking out every which way. I usually didn't care what I looked like after a workout, but the closer I got to this guy Morgan, the more I became aware of my own disarray. As nonchalantly as I could, I ran a hand over my hair to check for stragglers.
    Nick shot Jason a questioning, slightly annoyed glare before smiling at me. "Lexi this is Morgan," Nick said.
    For some reason I got a little nervous when being introduced to him. I smiled and shook his hand, but I felt a little shaken, which was odd for me.
    Jason cocked his chin up. "Whatsup Morgan," he said.
    Morgan smiled. "Hey Jason, how's it going?"
    We stood there not saying anything for a few heartbeats as Morgan looked back and forth from me to Jason. "Are you two together?" he asked.
    "No," I said.
    But at the exact same time that I said it, Jason said, "Yes."
    My head whipped around and I pinned him with a disbelieving glare.
    "I mean, we're together right now in this parking lot," he said. "I thought that was what you meant." He smiled and winked at Morgan. "Lexi's my girl. She's my partner."
    I was still staring at Jason when I said, "What he means to say is that we partnered up at boxing class just now." I glanced at Nick and Morgan who were both smiling. Nick was a nice

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