Black and Blue (Black and Blue Series)

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Book: Black and Blue (Black and Blue Series) by Khelsey Jackson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Khelsey Jackson
They’d fought all the time and it would drive her crazy not knowing if he was in a good mood or a bad one. It was like she was always walking on eggshells with him or active landmines. “I am happy, but I’m so scared. I know what I’m doing isn’t smart, but I can’t stop myself. I want him like I have never wanted anyone else before.”
    Emily reached for Jamie’s hand and squeezed tightly. “I would be scared too, your father can get crazy when it comes to the laws and this is the number one rule not to break. You remember the history lessons. The Blues are always the one to be killed and we both know your father won’t kill you. From what I can see, you have it bad for him and it has only been a couple of days,” Emily said.
    Jamie knew she was right it was something she thought about. She couldn’t live with herself if something happened to Henry because she wanted him. She was the one who went looking for him at his club, but he was the one who kissed her. “I know I should stay away from him, but I don’t think I’m strong enough.” He was all she could think of, his kisses lingered on her lips, and she couldn’t wait to see him again.
    Emily gav e Jamie’s hand one last squeeze and took her hand back. “It won’t be easy for you and him, but if he is what you want, then don’t fight it. You can deal with your father later. Right now just enjoy what you two have.”
    Jamie knew she should tell Emily about the revolution and about Mike and Henry being the leaders, but didn’t. There was no one she trusted more in the world than her best friend, but it wasn’t the time to tell her, and Emily could only take so much before she broke.
    The plan was for Mike to come into the theater and to give Jamie the motorcycle helmet. That way, no one saw her get onto the motorcycle. She and Emily were waiting inside the dark movie theater for Mike, and her eyes were glued on the door watching for him. She and Henry would only have two hours together and she was fine with that.
    A f ew minutes later Mike walked in and she stood up to show him where they were sitting. He walked toward them and her heart pounded in her chest; Henry was waiting for her outside in the alley.
    “ Hi Jamie,” Mike said and handed her the helmet. “It’s chilly outside.” He handed her a black leather jacket and she put it on. She put her hand into the pocket and she felt something, her eyebrows furrowed together. “Put it on now,” he said and moved passed her to sit down next to Emily.
    Jamie quickly took off her Black bracelet and put on the one she found in the leather jacket, and then she put on the helmet. She walked out of the theater and to the back alley. The same blue motorcycle was waiting for her and so was Henry. She ran the rest of the way to him, and she wanted to kiss him. She stopped in front of him and she could just see his blue eyes since he had the visor up.
    “ Let’s get out of here, sweetheart,” he said and she nodds nand sheed.
    Jamie go t on the back of his motorcycle. She wrapped her arms around his waist and locked her fingers together on his stomach and laid her head on his back.

Chapter Seven
    Sweet Talker
    Jamie grinned when they pulled into the same park from the night before. No one typically came here at night, so it worked for them. Neither of them moved when he turned his bike off. He placed his hands on top of hers and held her to him. Jamie took in the smell of him and smiled. He would be forever imprinted on her brain, and she was fine with that. She’d thought she’d loved Ryan, but what she’d felt for him was nothing close to what she was feeling for Henry. Jamie was never a believer of love at first sight, and she’d laughed at the girls from school who claimed that it was real.
    She moved away from him and removed the he lmet; she looked up at the stars and grinned. She’d always loved it outside and remembered when she used to set up the tent in her backyard. Her tent had

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