Black and Blue (Black and Blue Series)

Free Black and Blue (Black and Blue Series) by Khelsey Jackson

Book: Black and Blue (Black and Blue Series) by Khelsey Jackson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Khelsey Jackson
chair . “Fine, but if I can’t get a hold of you, that’s it. You will have Robert glued to your side. Do you understand?”
    She nodded and grinned. “Thank you, dad,” she said and held up the package. “I just got my mask.”
    “ Good aren’t you and Emily going shopping today for dress?” he asked and she realized she’d totally forgotten to ask her.
    “ I think so.” Jamie would have to call her when she got to her room.
    Her father stood up and walked to her; he reached into his back pocket and handed her a credit card. She took it and looked down at it. It had her name on it. She looked back at him with confusion on her face, she’d asked him for her own credit card a while ago and he’d told her she wasn’t responsible enough for one.
    “ It doesn’t have a limit on it,” he said and took her for another surprise.
    Jamie shook her head . “I thought you said I couldn’t have a card until I was older.”
    He smiled at her. “You are older and I think you are smart enough to have one. I know you won’t go crazy with it. You can get yours and Emily’s dress today.”
    She threw herself at him and hugged him. “Thank you so much!” she yelled and he laughed.
    “ You’re welcome, but I better be able to get a hold of you.” She nodded, turned to walk out and smirked at Ryan. Jamie was pretty sure he was the one that wanted to have someone watching her every move and she’d won. Up in her bedroom she grabbed her phone and called Emily.
    Three rings later she picked up. “Hey, Jamie,” Emily said.
    “ My dad just gave me a credit card and he said I can get us dresses for the masquerade ball. Want to come get me and we can talk about tonight?”
    “ Really? That is awesome! I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”
    Jamie l aughed as she put her phone in her purse. After a moment, she dug through her underwear and pulled out Henry’s phone and dropped it in her purse as well. She walked down stairs and out the front the door. Emily was wai toomily wating outside. They drove to the mall and Jamie remembered the ball dresses she’d seen a week earlier. They walked in and every color you could think of, hung off the walls, but one caught Jamie’s eye.
    The dress was a dark green silk and she knew that it would make her eyes pop. Emily went to look at the different dresses, but Jamie was still drawn to the dark green one. She put her hand on it and it felt softer than she’d imagined it would feel. Little sparkling dark green gems with a sprinkle of silver gems decorated the gown. She knew the dress would match her mask perfectly.
    “ Can I help you?” A woman asked and Jamie nodded.
    “ Can I try this on?” Jamie never took her eyes off of the dress.
    She told the sa les woman her size and followed her back into the dressing room area. The woman opened a door and walked in first to hang the green dress. Jamie smiled at her and then shut the door. She took off her clothes and gently took the beautiful dress off of the delicate hanger. She carefully slid it on and the dress felt like silk against her skin. The top of the dress was a sweetheart cut and tight fitting, it loosen up below her hips and flared out to a huge ball grown skirt. Jamie took a deep breath, and turned around to look at herself.
    The wall was a huge mirror and her mouth fell open . The dress looked amazing on her and fit her perfectly. She moved her hands to her hair to see what it would look like with it back. This was her dress. She reached for the tag and groaned at the price. Jamie knew her father was really wealthy, but she didn’t like to spend money unless she needed to. The cost of the dress was so high that she could buy so much more if she didn’t get it.
    She walked out of the dressing room wearing her perfect dress to find Emily. A royal blue mask caught her eye, and she knew it would look amazing on Henry. She was planning on asking him to go later that night. No one would know it was him because of the mask,

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