Bloodstone Heart

Free Bloodstone Heart by T. Lynne Tolles

Book: Bloodstone Heart by T. Lynne Tolles Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. Lynne Tolles
a deep wine colored door. Josh pulled the bike in behind Rowan.   Rowan went to the back of the SUV to gather some things into a box, yelling over her shoulder, "Go ahead and knock on the door.   Blake's home."
    Josh and Melanie headed up the porch steps shedding helmets as they did so and Melanie knocked on the door with her gloved hand.
    A very handsome man answered the door, which Melanie assumed must be Blake.   He must have been at least 6'4" as he was taller than Josh by an inch or two.   He was lean, obviously muscular, but not quite as big as Josh.   He had straight brown hair, flawless skin, gorgeous dark brown eyes and a smile that could knock the socks off any girl. Before any hellos were said, Josh sprang into defensive mode.   He swung Melanie behind him in a whirlwind and with both hands outstretched like a basketball player guarding his basket, he slowly and carefully backed up keeping Melanie safely behind him.
    Blake was astonished at Josh's reaction and Rowan was just turning to go up the steps when she saw what was going on. Melanie's hands were on Josh's waist as he backed her away from Blake. She looked at Rowan for some explanation.
    "It's okay, Josh, it is Josh, right?" Rowan said.
    Blake interjected, "His telepathy is extraordinary.   I didn't even have a chance to shield myself. Truly Josh, I'm no threat to you and your friend. You've obviously sensed what I am. From what I've sensed from you, I think we might be able to help you. That is why you brought them here, Rowan, right?"
    "Yes. This is Josh and Melanie.   Melanie and Darby were college buddies and she's come here looking for Darby in hopes that she could help them. I suggested she explain to us what the problem is and maybe we could help since Darby is in Massachusetts."
    "Please, come in," Blake said, but mostly he was directing his plea to Josh who still looked unsure about him. Melanie peeked out from behind Josh, whose arms were starting to relax to his sides. She held one of his arms with both her hands, almost hugging it. He kept Melanie close as he made a wide berth around Blake and entered the house with Rowan and Sally trailing behind them. Blake closed the door.  
    "Should I call Dean over?" Blake said. "Or should we explain first, so Josh doesn't have another adrenaline rush."
    Rowan said, "Maybe we should wait.   Please, Josh, Melanie, why don't you make yourself comfortable and we will explain." Melanie sat down and Josh sat next to her on the couch reluctantly, never taking his eyes off Blake.  
    Rowan started, "Josh, I should have forewarned you about Blake, but I had no idea you'd be able to read him. Josh, this is Blake Bloomington, my boyfriend, but more notably a vampire. I know that may be shocking and I forget sometimes just how shocking it can be to some. I don't know if you know much about vampires?"  
    Josh shook his head but said nothing.   Rowan continued, “Maybe you should give him some details, Blake.”
    "Right. Okay. Let's see, I guess we should start with the two different kinds of vampires.   There are vampires that are born from vampires, and there are vampires that are made by vampires in a very delicate exchange of blood between the vampire and the human.   Made vampires are more what most humans think of when they think of vampires.   They have an incredible thirst for blood and if they are not taught to control it, they can be deadly.   They also need to feed daily which makes it hard for them to live in a small community without being detected.   A born vampire, like myself, only needs to feed once every two or three weeks and in much smaller amounts. We don’t kill unless in self-defense as a human might.
    "As for Hollywood's projection of vampires, most of it is nonsense.   Vampires can be out in the daylight, and garlic, holy water and crosses have no effect on us.   We are extraordinarily strong, and fast. We heal quickly and we can read and control human thoughts. I think that

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