The Hunt (Mike Greystone, Book 1)

Free The Hunt (Mike Greystone, Book 1) by Michael Sigurdsson

Book: The Hunt (Mike Greystone, Book 1) by Michael Sigurdsson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael Sigurdsson
slightly curly auburn hair, and a pale complexion suited her professional image well. I think she actually enhanced the paleness with some makeup, but she didn't overdo it, so it still looked classy. She had a prominent nose, I think they called it Roman nose, but not too big. Under the proper lighting conditions at certain angles, her nose and eyes looked as if she was an eagle, although some would say rather like vulture. Anyway, the complete package was very good, and even despite her childhood and teenage history of sexual abuse, she’d managed to recover to some extent and she didn't shun sex at all. I did spend a night or two with her and liked it, no doubt. But I wouldn't treat it as a permanent relationship, rather as an ad-hoc event, as she had an inconvenient habit of trying to cut her sexual partners with a knife. She did cut me the first time, so the next time I was more careful. She said she just wanted to mark me with a tiny scratch, but I actually got a three-inch gash on my forearm. She said it made her feel more complete, although I struggled to understand how. Moreover, with her track record of chopping off dicks and slicing throats, I preferred to be safe rather than sorry, and had to be vigilant on those rare occasions that I slept with her. Which defeated the purpose really, as it was difficult to wind down that way (it was pleasant though).
    I dialed Lilith’s number: "Hi Lilith."
    "Hi Michael, I was expecting your call," she answered.
    "How are you getting on, how are you keeping?"
    "I can't complain, especially as I hope you're going to pay me a visit soon. We have a lot to catch up on," she said voluptuously.
    "I might someday, although I met somebody interesting recently."
    "Oh, that's sad, at least for me. Are you sad too?"
    "Not really, in fact, I'm happy. Early days yet. But even apart from that, are you still so keen to cut off my manhood?"
    "Don't be a girl Mike, I wasn't after your dick, I just wanted to mark my territory. Although the knife I used would come in handy for that purpose too."
    "There you go," I said.
    "Joking aside, when are you going to fuck me, please?" Lilith meant business.
    "I'm in a sort of relationship, as I said."
    "Knowing your social skills with women, I give you six months before she dumps you," Lilith laughed. "Then you'll come running to me."
    "We'll see. Anyway, you have some information for me?" I felt uncomfortable with the way the conversation was progressing.
    "Are you blushing, little boy?"
    "I'm not! What did you want to tell me?"
    "Okay, let's get serious. I saw the St. Brigid School shooting on the news. I feel you must be involved in it?"
    "I am, how do you know? I didn't advertise it," I was surprised.
    "I just know, you know."
    "Right, I’m trying to track down the gunman."
    "I may be able to help."
    "I'm listening, go ahead," I encouraged her to get to the point.
    "I had a vision, although that's not the right term, as what I experience is a mix of sight, sound, feelings, and thoughts. The vision was related to your job. You have to figure out where this is, but it was about a house in the suburbs being blown up by a bomb or something. Inside were two children and their mother. I didn’t see their father. What was strange, was the kids seemed not to be really there, but in some other place with lots of beds. I could see them next to their mother, but not necessarily in the house. Their mother was in the house for sure, and was dressed in black, and I could feel a lot of pain and sorrow. Maybe she was a widow? Does that tell you anything?" Lilith finished.
    I was silent for a brief moment.
    "It does," I said. It must be Lauren Wimbledon. I knew she might be in danger. "Any more detail? When is it going to happen?"
    "I don't know when, it could be an hour, it could be a week, it could be a month. It could be never."
    "Thanks Lilith, that's very useful. I have to hang up now and check it out."
    "No problem. For you, anything. Just remember to send the

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