Sneak Thief (A Dog Park Mystery)

Free Sneak Thief (A Dog Park Mystery) by C. A. Newsome

Book: Sneak Thief (A Dog Park Mystery) by C. A. Newsome Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. A. Newsome
not very often.
    Desiree’s creepy foil menagerie grew, spilling off her tower, onto the table the women shared. She cooed over them as she set them out each day, showing them off to Ted . The rest of the team seemed oblivious to the drama, as people kept their conversation to their scoring partners. Lia wondered why Avery never said anything about the aluminum clutter. It wasn’t like Scholastic encouraged people to personalize their stations.
    Lia struggled to keep her focus while maintaining the Mexican standoff. So Desiree turned out to be a little trollop without a lick of sense. So what. It’s her life. If she likes having some weirdo stalk her as if he’s her personal paparazzi, that’s her business.
    Terry was entertained by the situation, seeing it as a prime example of cultural anthropology and female psychology. He kept mental statistics on the percentage of flesh Desiree showed each day in relation to the number of YouTube hits the video received, and felt Lia should, as an artist, take some interest in the color-coordination or lack there-of, of Desiree’s bruise with her clothing. He talked about writing a paper on his conclusions once the impasse was resolved.
    Bailey skipped mornings at the park now that her busy season was in full-swing. Other friends now had day jobs or were away on trips. Lia would not, could not, call Peter. She saw Peter’s neighbor, Alma, most days, and caught her giving Lia a puzzled look more than once.
    She was lying on the sofa with Chewy on her chest, tugging his ears when Peter finally called. She put her hands around his head and waggled it back and forth, then let it go. Chewy snapped playfully at the air while she waited for the answering machine to click on.
    â€œLia, I don’t know if you’re there or not. I guess it doesn’t make any difference. Shutting me out is no way for an adult to act, and it’s no answer to our problems. If you want to talk, we’ll talk. I’ll see Asia with you, if you want. But I’m not going to chase you down this time. You know where to find me.”
    Chewy continued to snap at her hands, though Lia was no longer paying attention. How was she supposed to explain herself when she didn’t understand anything except that she hurt? How could she tell Peter what she wanted when she didn’t know? She buried her hands in the Schnauzer’s overgrown coat, blinking moisture out of her eyes.
    Lia had always enjoyed solitude before. Now she felt alone.

    Monday, May 12
    B ailey and Lia finally caught up with each other for a late breakfast at the Blue Jay. A Northside staple for more than 50 years, the diner had dark brown panelling and big booths conducive to private conversation and leisurely meals. Lia was reviewing the menu when Bailey arrived, with grass-stained jeans and bramble-scratches covering her long, pianist hands, her swing of red hair tucked under a faded bandana.
    Sarah, one of two waitresses who worked at the diner, came with tall glasses of water. Bailey drank half the glass before she set it down.
    â€œDo you ladies know what you want?” Sarah asked.
    â€œI don’t know why I bother looking at the menu,” Lia said, laying down the laminated sheet. “I always get the same thing. Spinach and feta omelet with rye toast. Water is fine.”
    â€œI’m starving. Eggs over medium, wheat toast, Jacob Special on the potatoes. Ice tea to drink.”
    Sarah gone, Bailey leaned over the table. “Okay, out with it.”
    â€œOut with what?”
    â€œLast week you said Peter was out of the picture and you didn’t elaborate. I haven't been able to catch up with you since. It’s driving me crazy. What happened between you and Detective Hottie?”
    Lia sighed. “I just don’t know, Bailey. Peter knew Desiree from his investigation into Luthor’s death. He failed to tell me about her, even after I met her at Scholastic and started

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