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Authors: Anonymous
his English origins that he dressed only ladies. Being told this, Elaine responded that we were not ladies but were enjoying ourselves. Both of course were true, but I admired her for her spirit which had so risen that she seemed to care not a jot what she did, provided it was not in public.
    For my own part I was as a bird released from a cage All about us were strangers and it was indeed in this sense as if we were attending a perpetual masque. Pearl had done her work well with my parents, for neither made any remonstrance upon my going, Papa warning me only to take care of all that I did.
    As to our accommodation, there could have been none finer. Elaine and I possessed a suite of our own in a hotel close to the Champs d'Elysees while my uncle modestly had a separate one from that of Pearl. That we would not long suffer the privations of isolation was made clear to us by our official “chaperone” upon conducting Elaine and I on the first morning to the coutouriere.
    “You must be seen at your finest not only fully adorned but in great part unadorned. This is to say, my pets, that your lingerie must be of the finest and the most seductive,” she declared. Being of the same mind, we acceded to her every wish, the perfect undergarment—as she explained to us—being a guepiere or waist corset which constricted that part of our bodies tightly and so gave the most alluring prominence to our bottoms, hips and breasts. The latter remained uncovered, for the frilled top of the guepiere supported them beneath. At the lower extremity the glossy black corsets were cut and trimmed in a subtle upward curve so that the pubic mound was equally left revealed. So attired, and wearing naught else but stockings and shoes, Elaine and I paraded ourselves with many an admiring giggle in a commodious back room of the salon before tall mirrors.
    “Are we not then to wear drawers?” asked Elaine of Pearl who with the proprietess of the establishment had seen to our fittings and chosen different colours for us, ranging from pink through blue to purple, and finally black.
    “Why no, for how the effect would be spoiled you might well judge by trying drawers on, Elaine.”
    Indeed, it was seen to be so, for drawers were ever large and would conceal the pretty lower portion of the corsets, so rendering the appearance bizarre rather than attractive. AH colours were tried until Elaine and I wore the black corsets which with matching silk stockings gave the most fetching effect that might be imagined. Pearl indeed appeared to think so, for she made no bones about standing between us before the mirrors and cupping our brazen, naked bottoms while giving praise to our charms.
    The constriction of the corset first made me quite breathless, but finally pleased me.
    “You must continue to wear them now in order to become accustomed to them, for all the most forward young ladies of Paris wear them,” declared Pearl, turning then to the proprietess who herself was dressed most elegantly. “Is that not so, Madame?” she asked. Agreeing that it was, the lady then bade us be seated as we were in order to bring us refreshments. Being all females together, nothing was amiss in this and so we quaffed the wine she brought while warming our bare bottoms on the velour of her chairs.
    Having a taste for such a good wine as came to my palate, I drank well as did Elaine. It warmed me exceedingly and so much so that I began to feel drowsy. The crystal lights around the room verily danced and seemed to glitter even more brightly than I thought them to. Finding myself somewhat in a daze, and being dimly conscious that Elaine had rather slumped in her chair, I heard whisperings by my side between Pearl and the proprietess.
    “Comme elles sont jolies! Il va les sodomise maintenant?” I heard.
    “Oui. Leurs cons ont avait deja etc lubriques. Il faut qu'elles etudient leurs lecons Grecques, Madame. Il veut bien bourrer son pine entre leurs fesses,” came Pearl's

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